Lisa Lauro's Newly Released "Leo Lizard's Classroom Adventure" is a Simple and Amusing Tale of Unexpected Adventures in New Environments
"Leo Lizard's Classroom Adventure" from Christian Faith Publishing author Lisa Lauro is a charming story for children that follows Leo the lizard who found himself inside a school of rowdy second graders after getting frightened by a thunderstorm.
MEADVILLE, Pa., April 25, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- "Leo Lizard's Classroom Adventure": a delightful narrative for kids about finding unexpected escapades in unprecedented events. "Leo Lizard's Classroom Adventure" is the creation of published author Lisa Lauro, a school teacher who has been teaching in the primary grades for most of her career. Her grandmother and sister who were also teachers inspired her to be an educator. She loves to read books, write and do artwork during her free time. She lives in Florida with her daughter and enjoys going to the beach and traveling to new places.
Lauro shares, "Leo Lizard's Classroom Adventure is about a lizard who lives near the schoolyard. He often plays hide and seek outside with his best friend, Lily. One day, there is a storm, and Leo is frightened. He runs superfast and slides under a hole at the bottom of a blue school door. Next thing he knows, he's in a classroom full of second graders! The classroom is busy with many children, a teacher, and lots of noise. This is something Leo is not used to because he lives alone with his mommy. Leo has to find a place to hide and fast! As he looks around the room, he sees something familiar—a big tree and many leaves. Leo knows he has to get to the big tree, but he must run in between many desks and lots of feet without getting stepped on. Leo decides to hide in a book bag for a bit to catch his breath. Then, the teacher, Mrs. Zippay, takes the students to art. Boy, is Leo relieved! Now he can get across the classroom to the rainforest bulletin board with the big tree. He is safe for now, but the kids will be back soon enough. Leo must ride out the storm before he can go back home. How will he ever get out of the classroom without being caught?
The idea for the story of Leo Lizard's Classroom Adventure began one day when I was sitting in my classroom grading papers. All of a sudden, I heard a scratching noise in the big rainforest bulletin board beside my desk. When I looked closely, I saw that there was a real live lizard living in my bulletin board. At that moment, I got the idea for this story."
Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Lisa Lauro's new book is a fun and entertaining read for young readers that will remind them that from time to time, it is good to get out of one's comfort zone. It may be dangerous and scary, yes, but it brings new discoveries and unexpected experiences that will allow one to grow and thrive beyond long-built walls.
View a synopsis of "Leo Lizard's Classroom Adventure" on YouTube.
Consumers can purchase "Leo Lizard's Classroom Adventure" at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.
For additional information or inquiries about "Leo Lizard's Classroom Adventure", contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
SOURCE Christian Faith Publishing
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