Cliff Somers’s “Is He or Isn't He? A Response to God's Not Dead” is a Rebuttal of the "Evidence for God" Set Forth in the Book by Pastor Rice Broocks, "God's Not Dead"
(PRWEB) December 06, 2016 -- Cliff Somers was born in Maine but claims Florida as his home state. He lives in Tampa with his lovely and smart wife, Jennie. He retired from the practice of trial law and needed something else to occupy his time. Having been an English major in undergraduate school, writing seemed to be a no-brainer. Time will no doubt judge the wisdom of that choice as Cliff completed his new book, “Is He or Isn't He? A Response to God's Not Dead”: a thoughtful refutation of the so-called "evidence" supporting the existence of God set forth by Pastor Broocks, which Cliff contends is no such thing.
Cliff encourages the reader, “You may be interested in the origin of the universe, the idea of the tuned universe, the dogma known as creationism, or that known as intelligent design, the question of the meaning to religion of Darwin’s theory of natural selection, or the actual words of the Gospels. If so, this book will intrigue you no matter which side of the fence you find yourself on. Come on in, the water’s fine.”
Published by New York City-based Page Publishing, Cliff Somers’s carefully reasoned work compares the scientific explanations for the issues raised by the pastor with the "evidence" cited by the pastor and refutes the alleged "logic" set forth by the pastor. Of note, the book stands alone and does not require reading Broocks's book.
The book “God’s Not Dead” by Pastor Rice Broocks so engaged Cliff’s interest and his disagreement with its content that he undertook to write a response (or rebuttal). This book is it. Dealing with such diverse issues as cosmology, theology, and evolution, as well as an examination of what the Gospels of the Bible really say, this book is argumentative and opinionated. However, Cliff respects the pastor (as he refers to Broocks) and has tried to be respectful in his approach. As the book states early on, Cliff is an atheist but not a proselytizer.
Readers who wish to experience this thoughtful and engaging, work can purchase“Is He or Isn't He? A Response to God's Not Dead” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.
For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.
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