Financial Poise™ Announces “RESTRUCTURING, INSOLVENCY & TROUBLED COMPANIES 2016," a Six-Part Webinar Series, Premiering February 5th, 10am CST through West LegalEdcenter
CHICAGO, IL (PRWEB) January 22, 2016 -- Companies fail all the time, for all sorts of reasons. Some companies become distressed, or even insolvent, because of mismanagement; others because of fraud; others for myriad other reasons- some intrinsic to the company and some extrinsic.
Regardless of the cause, failing or failed companies create a unique set of issues, risks, and even opportunities for all involved. This area of law and finance has become so specialized that no fewer than five (American Bankruptcy Institute; Association of Insolvency & Restructuring Advisors; Commercial Law League of America; National Association of Federal Equity Receivers; Turnaround Management Association) national organizations exist to help those who specialize in the field to stay up to date on the latest developments, strategies, and tactics in the area.
Join some of the leading experts in the field as they discuss- in plain English for the non-expert- the basics and latest in Restructuring, Insolvency & Troubled Companiest. Financial Poise™ webinar series are designed to allow listeners to participate in all, or just one, of a series of topics. Webinars offered through WestEdlegalcenter offer CLE and CPE credits.
The first episode of the series, Help, My Small Business is in Trouble!, (Register Here) airs on February 5th at 10am CST and features Jonathan Friedland of Sugar Felsenthal Grais & Hammer as Moderator. He is joined by panelists Laura Davis Jones of Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP, Howard Samuels of Rally Capital, and Tom Salerno of Stinson Leonard Street.
When a business becomes financially troubled, the business owner often experiences denial, paralysis, or both. Lenders commonly lose confidence and then trust in the business, as communications tend to break down, deadlines are missed, and promises are broken. Small business owners commonly have issued personal guaranties, so business failure can often lead to personal financial stress. The good news is the business and business owner usually has some options, and even some leverage. Episode #1 explains what a business owner should- and should not- consider and do when dealing with financial trouble. Specific topics include discussion of bankruptcy (Chapters 7 and 11); assignments for the benefit of creditors; and friendly foreclosures. This webinar provides the business owner and her advisors with an overview of various restructuring and liquidation methods, a framework for how to decide between them, and practical tips for traversing the difficult environment that is financial distress.
Financial Poise™ provides unbiased news, continuing education, and intelligence to private business owners, executives, investors, and their trusted advisors. For more information contact Emily Goldin at egoldin(at)financialpoise(dot)com or 312-469-0135.
Emily Goldin, DailyDAC, LLC,, +1 312-469-0135, [email protected]
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