"In Good Taste" Documentary To Publicly Launch At The World Biodiversity Forum In Special Presentation on Food, Culture, and Biodiversity
Today, 75 percent of the world's food is generated from only twelve plants and five animal species (FAO). "In Good Taste" is a response to the plight of our food system, envisioning a biodiverse future of consumption.
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 20, 2021 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Today, TEALEAVES announces the Public Launch of their documentary 'In Good Taste' at the World Biodiversity Forum on May 21, 2021 in celebration of UNESCO's World Day for Cultural Diversity on May 21st and the International Day for Biological Diversity on May 22nd.
The 'In Good Taste' documentary, produced by TEALEAVES, illuminates the unsustainable consequences of our monoculturalistic desires, including the homogenization of food, diet, and thought. Exploring the impact of our food system on our bodies and the planet, the timely documentary brings together a cast of leading physicians, foragers, farmers, designers, educators, and journalists.
"I feel like the Western diet has never come to terms with this land space and has never really been accepting of all this wonderful biodiversity because people will look out their backyards and see nothing but weeds. But if you look at it through the Indigenous perspective, you're going to see nothing but food and medicine surrounding your house." - Chef Sean Sherman, CEO, Founder & Chef of The Sioux Chef
In a world where we celebrate caviar and foie gras as the pinnacle of luxury and forego the goodness that sprouts up at our feet, lacking the literacy to acknowledge or opportunity to access it, the hidden costs are more than the price itself. The film asks viewers to consider what it truly means to have "good taste" and calls audiences to address their impact by turning to diversity, both biological and cultural, as a solution. Presenting themes ranging from mouthfeel to regenerative ocean farming, indigenous food knowledge, and biodiverse diets, 'In Good Taste' showcases how personal tastes can be used for positive change.
"Luxury companies and designers in food and beverage play a crucial role in establishing what is in "good taste". We believe the new luxury is rooted in sustainability and wellness; not rarity or scarcity. Not one size fits all, but owning the power of our daily decisions." - Lana Sutherland, Co-Founder & CEO of TEALEAVES
Luxury tea blenders by trade, TEALEAVES has witnessed the impacts of climate change first hand within tea gardens around the world. 'In Good Taste' presents a culmination of the learnings from this multi-year exploration, offering a plethora of solutions for other "taste-makers", luxury companies and consumers, to challenge their perceptions of quality, desirability, and deliciousness.
"What and who is driving and influencing taste? That is what this documentary is about. Hear from a diverse group of experts on the complexity of taste. Bon appétit." - Michiel Bakker, Vice President, Global Workplace Programs, Google, & Advisory Board Member, Eat Forum.
A window into diversity, food is more than just what we eat. "In Good Taste" points to food as the foundation of our cultures, our economies, our health, and our relationship with the natural world.
"Good taste is a super-metaphor for a good life." - Dr Dori Tunstall, Dean of Design, Ontario College of Art and Design University.
The "In Good Taste" director duo, Nathalie Attallah and Carly Williams, are also the creators of "The Garden of Secrets" documentary: a two-time Fast Company World Changing Ideas Honoree which premiered at the Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum's Nature Triennial (2019), and "Language of Aroma", which premiered at the San Francisco Design Festival (2019).
Register to claim your free ticket for the Public Launch at The Virtual World Biodiversity Forum: [https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/1316188628977/WN_boXo72_YRfWeV67HF-LoGg
View the 'In Good Taste' trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcZ761tlKU0
Learn more about the 'In Good Taste' Documentary here: https://naturexdesign.tealeaves.com/taste/
'In Good Taste' features the following experts of industry and academia:
Prof. Mark Bomford - Director, Yale Sustainable Food Program
Prof. Adam Brumberg - Deputy Director, Cornell Institute for Behavioral Economics and Consumer Choice, Cornell Food & Brand Lab
Emma Chow - Food Initiative Lead, Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Dr. Odette Curtis Scott - Director, Overberg, Renosterveld Conservation Trust
Dr. David Eisenberg, MD - Director of Culinary Nutrition, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Dr. Dori Tunstall - Dean, Faculty of Design, OCAD University
Dr. Peter Klosse - Professor & Founder, T.A.S.T.E (The Academy of Scientific Taste Evaluation)
Dr. Robert S. Lawrence, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Emeritus Professor (Bloomberg School of Public Health), Founder, Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future
Dr. Aiofe Mac Namara, Design Educator
Dr. Daphne Miller, MD - Physician, Author, Associate Clinical Professor, University of California San Francisco, University of California Berkeley School of Public Health
Ruki Neuhold-Ravikumar - Acting Under Secretary for Education, Smithsonian Institution
Chef Sean Sherman - CEO, Founder & Chef, The Sioux Chef
Bren Smith - Executive Director & Co-Founder, GreenWave
Prof. Philip B. Stark, PhD - Professor of Statistics, Associate Dean of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of California Berkeley, Co-Founder, Berkeley Open Source Food
Ian Urbina - Pulitzer Prize-winning Investigative Journalist; Founder, The Outlaw Ocean Project
Established in 1994, TEALEAVES is one of the very few tea blenders in the world, known for crafting the highest quality teas in small batches by hand. With a unified goal of inspiring connections and creativity, TEALEAVES blends techniques, stories, people, companies, and ideas to understand and tackle global issues. This information is shared through the work of documentaries (Garden of Secrets, Color in Sight, Language of Aroma), Design Weeks (San Francisco Design Week, LA Design Week), and panel discussions (World Biodiversity Forum, Nature x Design). More information is available at https://www.tealeaves.com/
Media Contact
Taylor VandenBygaart, TEALEAVES, +1 2894000663 Ext: 1, [email protected]
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