Ammonia Refrigeration Systems Safety and Legislative Compliance to be Discussed at IIR Conference
(PRWEB) April 27, 2017 -- Star Refrigeration’s consultancy arm has once again been asked to share its specialised engineering knowledge in low carbon natural refrigerants at an industry event – The 7th Conference on Ammonia and CO2 Refrigeration Technologies. Dr Dermot Cotter has been invited to submit a paper to the International Institute of Refrigeration’s leading event, taking place in Ohrid, Macedonia on 11th – 13th May 2017.
The conference will see international leaders in refrigeration gather to discuss the technological innovations in refrigeration – mainly the modern use of ammonia as a replacement for HFCs which are harmful to the environment. Star Technical Solutions are experts in ammonia as a natural refrigerant and Dr Cotter’s presentation will shed light on the mechanical inspection protocols which should be followed for ammonia refrigeration systems.
“The global trend towards using natural refrigerants is growing and this holds great opportunities for end-users. Innovative alternatives with extremely high efficiencies such as low charge ammonia refrigeration technology are now emerging and making it feasible to use ammonia, a highly efficient, non-patented refrigerant with zero GWP, in a variety of industrial and commercial applications- which had never been thought possible before.
Fortunately, the growth in ammonia refrigeration systems brings improved technical guidelines and safety regulations which everyone needs to be aware of. My paper details the legislative requirements and good practices to minimise the risk of an ammonia release by having protocols in place for mechanical integrity inspections for ammonia refrigeration systems”
The International Institute of Refrigeration is a global organisation which was formed over 100 years ago. It currently has 58 member countries and organises events all over the world promoting knowledge of refrigeration and related technologies. It also provides market news, data and publications relevant to the industry for its members.
At the 7th Conference on Ammonia and CO2 Refrigeration Technologies the main topics include energy efficiency, public awareness of the image and benefits of natural refrigerants, new innovative components and ammonia and CO2 systems in developing countries.
The International Institute of Refrigeration conference runs from 11th – 13th May 2017 in Ohrid, Macedonia.
To find more about the event go to:
For more information about the IIR, visit:
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Astrid Prado, Star Refrigeration,, +44 1413028190, [email protected]
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