Xulon Press presents author's third book in a series of motivational guides that put a baseball twist on facing life's "curveballs."
CEDAR FALLS, Iowa, Aug. 8, 2022 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Author David Welter shares inspiring reflections, an encouraging attitude and spiritual insight in Reflections From the Home Team: Reframing the Curveballs Life Pitches Our Way! ($20.49, paperback, 9781662854309; $9.99, e-book, 9781662854316).
Welter's passion for athletic coaching is clearly demonstrated in his writing. You see, it was Welter's cancer journey that provided his inspiration to write this book – his third motivational guide in the "Reflections From the Home Team" series. This book provides readers with reflections and encouragement to persevere no matter what life throws their way. Welter explains that by choosing to do some 'reframing' with one's mindset, one can be abundantly fulfilled and that the process will be worth it.
As a former baseball coach, his thoughts are frequently blended with baseball analogies and metaphors comparing life's challenges with the challenges during a baseball game. Baseball provides many lessons about success and failure, and those lessons can often be applied in one's own life journey. This book focuses on those lessons and can be used as a daily reflection to move forward, taking one step at a time.
"I've done a LOT of adjusting with my mindset over the years," said Welter. "I do know that when we encounter the often-monumental challenges that change can bring in our lives, no one can walk that path for us, but they can certainly walk it with us."
David Welter recently retired from the Cedar Falls Community School District in Cedar Falls, Iowa after serving a 40-year career in education, 37 years of which were spent in Cedar Falls. During that time, he taught social studies, and has been involved with baseball at the high school, college and professional levels while also serving as a Jr. High principal for the past sixteen years. Welter was diagnosed with cancer on his 55th birthday. In addition to this book, Welter has also written Reflections from the Home Team: Go the Distance and Reflections from the Home Team: STAYING POSITIVE When Life Throws You a Curve! In each book, he shares the hardships, emotions, support and hope he has encountered on his journey with cancer. Since retiring, Welter continues to scout for the Atlanta Braves, works as a consultant, farms and enjoys precious time with his family. Welter was inducted into the Iowa Baseball Coaches Hall of Fame and the Cornell College Athletic Hall of Fame.
Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world's largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. Reflections From the Home Team: Reframing the Curveballs Life Pitches Our Way! is available online through xulonpress.com/bookstore, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com.
Media Contact
David Welter, Salem Author Services, (319) 404-5022, [email protected]
SOURCE Xulon Press

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