A new and innovative video voicemail app that has just been rolled out across the United States. Designed to transform the way businesses connect with their customers, this revolutionary app provides a unique platform for businesses to showcase their products or services through engaging video content, while enabling seamless communication through video messages.
CHICAGO, Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Philmore Productions is thrilled to announce the launch of its new and innovative video voicemail app that has just been rolled out across the United States. Designed to transform the way businesses connect with their customers, this revolutionary app provides a unique platform for businesses to showcase their products or services through engaging video content, while enabling seamless communication through video messages.
"The Video Voicemail app is a game-changer for businesses looking to enhance their customer engagement," noted Phil Scopes, the company's founder. "With this app, customers can easily find your business's voicemail box by keyword-searching your company name, scrolling through the app's directory, or simply scanning a QR code."
Whether you choose a single-greeting box or a more dynamic tree box with multiple video greetings, your customers will be greeted with personalized video messages that highlight your products or services.
One of the standout features of the Video Voicemail app is its versatility in communication. Callers can reach boxholders via phone call, email, SMS, or video message—making it easier than ever for businesses to stay connected with their audience. The available contact methods are fully configurable within the app, ensuring that businesses can tailor their communication channels to their specific needs.
Both outgoing and incoming videos can be up to 5 minutes in length, providing ample time to deliver detailed messages or showcase offerings. Boxholders have the flexibility to record videos directly in the app, transfer videos from their phone's camera, or upload videos through the Philmore Productions website. Incoming video messages are conveniently listed within the app, similar to a Visual Voicemail app, allowing boxholders to view and save messages with ease. Additionally, users can call the sender directly from the app, ensuring prompt follow-up and engagement.
The Video Voicemail app is free for callers to access voicemail boxes, while businesses can subscribe for as little as $9.95 per month for a single-greeting box or $19.95 per month for a tree box. This affordable solution offers businesses a powerful tool to connect with their customers in a more personal and impactful way.
Philmore Productions invites businesses of all sizes to explore the possibilities of video communication with the Video Voicemail app. Experience the future of customer engagement today.
To learn more, contact Phil Scopes at 312-982-5956 or visit www.getvideovoicemail.com for more information.
Media Contact
Phil Scopes, Philmore Productions, 1 312-982-5956, [email protected], www.getvideovoicemail.com
SOURCE Philmore Productions

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