SUMMERLIN, Nev., Sept. 2, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- FaceTec's 3D Liveness Detection and 3D Face Matching AI combine to create the highest performing biometric authentication software in the world. FaceTec has proven itself both intuitive and secure by providing tens-of-millions of 3D Liveness Checks per month on six continents to hundreds of customers. However, in some scenarios, like at a customs checkpoint in an airport or self-checkout in retail, 2D Liveness Checks may be preferred. While not as secure as a 3D Liveness Check, 2D Liveness does provide a layer of biometric security that can thwart many common spoofing attack vectors.
To encourage the use of at least some Liveness Detection in all biometric authentication scenarios, FaceTec is now providing its 2D Liveness Detection free of charge to its existing customers and partners around the world. For any new organizations that wish to use FaceTec's Free 2D Liveness Detection, a list of certified FaceTec distribution partners can be found on Please contact any FaceTec partner for more information (Partner participation may vary), or visit here:
"2D Liveness and Matching will never be as good as 3D because there's not nearly as much data in a 2D photo as in a 3D FaceMap™, but 2D Liveness Detection can still have a place in some security plans," said Kevin Alan Tussy, FaceTec CEO. "By offering free 2D Liveness, we will provide security to those who aren't using any Liveness at all, and educate about the fully remote authentication scenarios that do require our more advanced 3D Liveness technology."
The 2D Single-Frame Spoof Check works with face photos as small as 150px and does not require a FaceTec Device SDK to capture the face image. An additional benefit to the FaceTec system is that users can enroll using 3D Liveness on any smart device, and then use either 2D or 3D Liveness Detection and Face Matching to prove their identity in the future.
"This basic, yet effective anti-spoofing security layer is best utilized with a single photo captured in a semi-supervised environment where the user is unlikely to replay a deepfake video or bypass the camera using video injection software," added Josh Rose, FaceTec CTO. "Any scenario where those attacks can happen still require 3D Liveness Detection."
In FaceTec's PAD testing, its 2D Liveness Detection was 97%-plus effective against Level 1-3 Spoof Artifacts, as defined in iBeta/NIST's PAD testing artifact documentation. As with all FaceTec's software, 2D Liveness runs on the customer's hosted server, behind the customer's firewall, and no biometric data comes to FaceTec in production.
Please learn more at
About FaceTec 3D Face Authentication
FaceTec's pioneering 3D Face Authentication is fast becoming the global standard in onboarding, KYC, and ongoing authentication, stopping ID fraud and unauthorized access for millions of users on six continents for many of the world's leading organizations in IAM-IDV, financial services, mobile payments, border security, connected transportation, blockchain-crypto currency, e-voting, and more.
FaceTec's 3D Face Authentication Platform features:
- 100% software, for all modern smartphones, tablets, and PCs with webcams
- World-leading 3D Face Matching rate of 1-in-12.8 million FAR @ less than 1% FRR
- Patented UI generates data-rich 3D FaceMaps™ from standard 2D cameras
- $100,000 Spoof Bounty Program & Levels 1&2 Certified Liveness Detection
- Unshareable, unphishable 3D FaceMaps ensure trust without creating a honeypot
- IDV dashboard with integrated 1-to-N de-duplication & fraudulent user lists
- Highly accurate 1-in-500,000 FAR 3D FaceMap-to-2D-photo-ID matching
- Integrated anonymous age estimation and age checks
- Fast, intuitive interface with 98-99% first-time-user success rates
- Easy to integrate, customize, deploy and manage
FaceTec's Demo Apps for iOS, Android, and any PC with a webcam are available for testing on, and free Developer Accounts/SDKs are available at
About FaceTec
Founded in 2013, with team members in San Diego, CA; Summerlin, NV; São Paulo, Brazil; and Singapore, FaceTec is leading a global intelligent software revolution in biometrics, this decade's most important secure digital identity technology. FaceTec's patented, industry-leading 3D Face Authentication software anchors digital identities, establishing the chain of trust for mobile and web applications with the world's best Certified Liveness Detection, image matching, document verification, and age estimation.
For more information and business inquiries, please visit For media inquiries, please contact John Wojewidka at [email protected].
Created as an educational resource for biometrics users, vendors, analysts, media and regulators, provides a comprehensive history of Presentation Attack Detection, as well as explanations of methods and means for evaluation, certification, and testing.
SOURCE FaceTec, Inc

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