Global law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP was honored with JPMorganChase's (JPMC) 2024 Joan Guggenheimer Global Law Firm Diversity Award on June 26, 2024 at JPMC's Global Legal Town Hall in New York.
NEW YORK, July 24, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Global law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP was honored with JPMorganChase's (JPMC) 2024 Joan Guggenheimer Global Law Firm Diversity Award on June 26, 2024 at JPMC's Global Legal Town Hall in New York. The award, named for former General Counsel of JPMorganChase Joan Guggenheimer, recognizes law firms that have made exceptional efforts and demonstrated their commitment to promoting and maintaining a culture of diversity and inclusion within their firms and in the legal profession.
Greenberg Traurig collaborates with JPMC and their ASSET Network Program, which was created as a mentoring and sponsorship initiative for high-performing attorneys of varied backgrounds with a focus on professional development and leadership training.
The ASSET Network Program comprises a working group and an advisory board. JPMC and law firm members, including Greenberg Traurig attorneys, make up the working group. These members develop and execute a project plan, select participants, and outline the process and success. The working group also identifies law firms to join the ASSET Network Program based on several factors, including geographical footprint, subject matter expertise, and inclusion efforts. Participating firms then nominate attorneys according to several criteria, including legal experience and leadership potential.
"We are incredibly honored to receive this award from JPMorganChase. This recognition affirms our longstanding commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace where all our attorneys and staff can thrive," Co-Chair of Greenberg Traurig's Financial Services Litigation Practice Paul J. Ferak said.
About Greenberg Traurig's Diversity Initiative: From its inception, Greenberg Traurig has been committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. Greenberg Traurig is a uniquely empowering and diverse firm built on a foundation of fairness, equality, and authenticity. Through its Social, Racial, and Economic Justice Action Plan, the firm has committed $5 million over five years to help combat systemic racism and support impoverished communities. In addition, the firm's efforts have been recognized through its Mansfield Rule 6.0 Certification Plus, administered by The Diversity Lab, and by local, national, and global publications and organizations including Chambers and Partners. Web: X/Twitter: @GT_Drives.
About Greenberg Traurig: Greenberg Traurig, LLP has more than 2750 attorneys in 47 locations in the United States, Europe and the Middle East, Latin America, and Asia. The firm is a 2022 BTI "Highly Recommended Law Firm" for superior client service and is consistently among the top firms on the Am Law Global 100 and NLJ 500. Greenberg Traurig is Mansfield Rule 6.0 Certified Plus by The Diversity Lab. The firm is recognized for powering its U.S. offices with 100% renewable energy as certified by the Center for Resource Solutions Green-e® Energy program and is a member of the U.S. EPA's Green Power Partnership Program. The firm is known for its philanthropic giving, innovation, diversity, and pro bono. Web:
Media Contact
Kristy Treacy, Greenberg Traurig, +1 617 310 5235, [email protected],
SOURCE Greenberg Traurig

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