Xulon Press presents a fascinating glimpse into the author's life from the ordinary to the extraordinary, a lesson in resilience and the power of hope.
TAYLORSVILLE, N.C., Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Author David Kerley shares his compelling life story, reminiscent of the timeless cinema classic, "It's a Wonderful Life" in 50 Kerley Cues To My Wonderful Life ($28.99, paperback, 9798868503337; $9.99, e-book, 9798868503344).
Kerley's heartfelt memoir takes readers on a journey exploring the highs and lows that shaped his existence, unveiling profound truths hidden within every twist of fate. His stories are testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of hope. Through his trials and triumphs, Kerley reveals the enduring beauty of faith through the Word of God. Readers will appreciate the significance of nurturing and cherishing relationships while highlighting the essence of human connection.
When asked what inspired the author to write this book, Kerley said, "I had a blessed opportunity to perform 'This Wonderful Life' by Steve Murray in 2021, only one venue and only one night. In it, I portrayed over thirty characters from the classic film, 'It's a Wonderful Life.' One week before, the Lord put in my heart to write down the stories of my life, comparing in some way to the film, and referencing scripture. I didn't want to run away from this 'Nineveh,' but realized I didn't know the first thing about being an author. I had to trust God to put the right people in my path if only I chose to do so and have faith that God would handle the rest. Telling these stories has helped me see that through each of them, God was there with me, every step of the way."
David Kerley, now retired, was an Environmental Health Specialist (health inspector) for 25 years. He lives in North Carolina with his wonderful wife, Denise, and their seven cats. Kerley enjoys reading the Bible, reading some fiction and performing in community theater.
Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world's largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 20,000 titles published to date. 50 Kerley Cues To My Wonderful Life is available online through xulonpress.com/bookstore, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com.
Media Contact
David Kerley, Salem Author Services, (828) 455-5558, [email protected]
SOURCE Xulon Press

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