HoneyBaked Ham Now Awarding Franchises Nationwide in Major Metro Growth Markets
Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) July 30, 2015 -- Just weeks after Honey Baked Ham consolidated operating divisions into one combined organization, The HoneyBaked Ham Company, LLC, the franchising division of HoneyBaked is announcing aggressive growth plans in key markets across the U.S. The consolidation fuels the company’s efforts to further growth through franchising. Momentum is building with close to 20 new franchise units currently under development.
“Now that we’ve pooled our resources, the HoneyBaked franchise team has the structure in place to really ramp up unit growth and deliver an optimal experience for oncoming franchise owner-operators,” said Mark Demis, director of development and real estate at HoneyBaked. “Our franchise growth strategy includes expansion into new and previously unavailable markets, as well as brand growth within select existing regions. We’re targeting new markets including Houston, Dallas, New York/ New Jersey, New England and Greater Chicago. We're building momentum for our franchise opportunities and are looking for entrepreneurs who share our values and interests.”
In June 2015, the owners of HoneyBaked Ham confirmed the consolidation of three regionalized operating divisions, currently based in Georgia, Michigan and Ohio. The combined organization, The HoneyBaked Ham Company, LLC, will be headquartered in Alpharetta, Ga. and will serve customers online and at more than 400 year round locations in 40 states across the U.S. HoneyBaked Ham, Inc. will continue to operate in the state of California under a license agreement with the new organization, The HoneyBaked Ham Company, LLC.
HoneyBaked will centralize management, sourcing and operations for the company nationwide. By pooling resources and establishing a single support structure, HoneyBaked will increase its financial capacity, streamline operations, lower costs and enhance both the speed and flexibility of its decision-making. Additionally, both the company and its franchisees will benefit from increased efficiencies and effectiveness offered by centralized marketing and sales.
“The consolidation is a logical next step in the company’s evolution,” said David A. Keil, HoneyBaked’s Chief Executive Officer. “Uniting the internal aspects of our organization allows us to combine the strengths from each division and create an even stronger company and quality experience for our customers.”
HoneyBaked will continue to be a family-owned business. Linda van Rees from the Georgia division, Lou Schmidt from the Michigan division and Craig Kurz from the Ohio division, who are all grandchildren of HoneyBaked founder, Harry J. Hoenselaar, will now serve with other independent directors on a fiduciary board responsible for establishing the future direction of the company.
The updated structure is a return to the way HoneyBaked operated at its founding in 1957 and will allow the company to continue pursuing its mission: Celebrating life, one meal at a time.
For more information on the franchise opportunity, visit http://www.HoneyBakedFranchise.com, email Mark Demis at mdemis(at)hbham(dot)com or call (866) 968-7424.
Bob Spoerl, TopFire Media, http://topfiremedia.com, +1 (708) 249-1090, [email protected]
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