VALENCIA, Calif., July 19, 2018 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- It isn't a secret that putting out the right type of webinar can easily double or triple business profits. This is the core reason Jason Fladlien authored "One Too Many: The Secret to Webinar Success" — a book which has now become a bestseller on Amazon, in Online Advertising, Online Services, Podcasts and Webcasts categories, barely two months after publication.
Jason Fladlien is of the opinion that a strong webinar allows businesses to get more customers and allows its owners to make more profit, from both existing and new customers. In his book, "One to Many, Secrets for Webinar Success," he makes his secrets publicly available to anyone who is willing to do a little work (read) to increase profits. "As more companies began asking me about webinars, I got tired of repeating myself over and over again. I figured if I just wrote the book, I could fully document how webinars should be structured to maximize product sales. I think we've all been on more than one really bad webinar. I wanted to see better webinars done end to end, for no other reason than a webinar, if properly done, is one of the greatest educational and sales tools that exists online," Jason Fladlien said in an interview about his reason for writing the book, and what he hopes the book will accomplish for readers who come across it.
The book has garnered 41 reviews since its publication and release on the site, and 40 of these reviews have been FIVE stars. "This is a fantastic book that every serious marketer should buy, read and implement. I love how practical and easy to understand the book is, but best of all, it contains the proven framework that anyone can follow. Jason Fladlien is truly one of the world's top Internet marketers who is also one of the best teachers. This book is all about the psychology of selling on webinars, but in reality, these principles, strategies, and tactics can be applied to other channels as well. Jason shares his actual persuasive copywriting techniques as well as screen shots in the book making this one of the most practical books I have purchased in a long time. I give this book my highest recommendation." Thomas Smithon, said in a review of "One Too Many: The Secret to Webinar Success," on Amazon.
Jason Fladlien's "One to Many: The Secret to Webinar Success," is available in paperback, hardcover and Kindle editions on Amazon. To learn more about Jason Fladlien, his co-founded company, — Rapid Crush, Inc., and to procure his services, please visit Rapid Crush, Inc.'s website.
About Jason Fladlien
Jason Fladlien is known as the 100 million dollar webinar man. His pitch webinars have set records in the information, coaching, affiliate, and software space. He has helped countless businesses use and improve their webinars to the tune of six, seven, eight, and even nine-figure wins. Not only do many claim him to be the best webinar presenter, but he is also considered the best teacher of webinars. Due to his unrelenting passion for achievement, Jason has risen to the top of several industries including selling physical products on Amazon, as well as digital products, software, and coaching. As such, people like Joe Polish describe him as "one of the top 5 living marketers on the planet."
Jason Fladlien enjoys his role as Chief Strategy Officer and co-founder of Rapid Crush, Inc., a company that has pioneered several different digital marketing methods that are considered standard today. Jason Fladlien currently lives in Southern California with his wife and three children.
SOURCE Jason Fladlien
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