Karriem Allah discusses the Domestic Life and the Great Mother Plane in the Context of the Honorable Louis Farrakhan's Divine Exaltation
In his most recent lecture, "The Domestic Life, The Great Mother Plane & The Exaltation of the Honorable Louis Farrakhan--the Messiah," Karriem Allah explains how recent worldwide events align with the Messianic Prophecies related to the Transition of the Honorable Louis Farrakhan's 40-plus year Ministry.
NEWARK, Del., May 14, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Karriem Allah explains how the Biblical and Quranic narratives of Joseph prefigure the Messiah, the Honorable Louis Farrakhan, setting expectations for the events that may arise in His life.
Describing the prevalence of religious dogma, Karriem Allah discusses how this has led to the belief that Almighty God is a mysterious spirit that cannot be seen; and consequently, history has shown that some people have committed horrible crimes asserting that this "mystery God" approved their actions. Karriem Allah shows how the Bible and the Holy Quran represents Almighty God and HIS angels as men, and not as mysterious spirits floating in space.
Karriem Allah aligns the prophecies of the Great Mother Plane, mentioned in the Bible, to the proof of its Presence through the recently released "UFO" videos by the U.S. Pentagon. He explains how recent comments made by President Trump, doubting the existence of these immensely superior aircrafts, shows that he has not been adequately updated, via government records, that have long confirmed the existence of "UFOs."
Karriem Allah, using the prophecies in the Gospel of John, explains how the people knew that the Pharisees and chief priests planned to silence Jesus by urging the authorities to apprehend and crucify him, based on false charges. Karriem Allah also explains how the piercing of Jesus on the Cross at Calvary represented an attempt on his life; and that it was also assumed that he would die. Karriem Allah correlates both prophetic accounts to their fulfillment in the history of the Honorable Louis Farrakhan, specifically during His 40-plus year Ministry as the Messiah.
In closing his Message, Karriem Allah delves into the Honorable Louis Farrakhan's statement that the "hedge" that Allah placed around Him is being removed—in connection to the Honorable Louis Farrakhan's fulfillment of the Biblical narrative of Job. Karriem Allah explains two scenarios, based on the Scriptures, that indicate what this "hedge" may represent.
This lecture, "The Domestic Life, The Great Mother Plane & The Exaltation of the Honorable Louis Farrakhan—the Messiah," is part of the Series on the Domestic Life of the Messiah, the Honorable Louis Farrakhan; and is available on Karriem Allah's Vimeo and Youtube channels, and his website.
SOURCE Karriem Allah

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