Latest Advances in Vaccine Development by Top Panel Speakers at Cartagena, Colombia
(PRWEB) September 03, 2016 -- The Fundacion Instituto de Inmunologia de Colombia - FIDIC, Universidad del Rosario in Bogota, Colombia and United Scientific Group, takes great pleasure in hosting the International Conference on Vaccines Research & Development scheduled on November 10-12, 2016 at the Hotel Las Americas on the Caribbean beaches of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
This 3-day meeting will bring together experts, young researchers, education scientists, technologists and vaccine industry representatives to share and debate on the latest scientific developments and technology in the field of vaccines research supporting current and future challenges. The following are some of the eminent personalities attending the scientific gathering:
The 26th President of Colombia -Belisario Betancur Cuartas, will deliver the Inaugural Ceremony Speech at Vaccines R&D-2016 in Cartagena, Colombia. Betancur is currently an Honorary Member of the Club of Rome for Latin America, Chairman of the Truth Commission for El Salvador, President of the Pan American Health Organization in Washington, and President of the Santillana for Latin America Foundation in Bogota. He is also a founding member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.
Manuel Elkin Patarroyo developed the first chemically synthesized vaccine against malaria by 1987 that after a large series of human trials in different parts of the world provided 30-40% protective efficacy. He was awarded the Robert Koch and Prince of Asturias Prizes in 1994.
Nancy Sullivan was the first NIH/VRC, demonstrate vaccine protection of macaques against Ebola infection. Her work using a gene based vaccine to generate rapid immune protection was the first to center human clinical trials ( Why the Work of Dr. Nancy J. Sullivan Could Be Key to a Potential Ebola Vaccine) and has formed the basis of subsequent vaccine strategies. Dr. Sullivan and her team also discovered the mechanism of antibody protection against Ebola infection, and isolated a human monoclonal antibody that completely rescues macaques when delivered as a monotherapy.
Ana Flisser, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Over 40 years of studying, she received the Carlos Slim Award Life in Health Research in 2015 for her findings in the field of cysticercosids. She was the President of the XIII International Congress of Parasitology, held in Mexico City in August 2014. Her work has focused on the development of immunological methods for diagnosis of the diseases caused by Taenia solium and their application in field studies in order to identify risk factors and control cysticercosis, mainly through health education, treatment of tapeworm carriers and, especially, evaluation of a vaccine for swine cysticercosis. She will deliver a talk on “TSOL18 vaccine against swine cysticercosis: from design to commercialization”
Zelig Eshhar is an Israeli immunologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science and at the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center. He has been the Chairman of the Department of Immunology at the Weizmann Institute. He is mainly known for his studies on T-cells and his pioneering work on chimeric antigen receptors. In 2013 he was awarded the CAR Pioneering award by the ATTACK European Consortium and in 2014 shared the Massry Prize with Steven Rosenberg andJames P. Allison. He also received Pioneer Award with Carl H. June. He is the recipient of the 2015 Israel Prize in Life Sciences.
Jorge E. Gomez Marin is Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Quindio, Colombia. He obtained six national and two international awards for research (Infectious Diseases Society of America and American Health Foundation). He was President of the Colombian Association of Infectious Diseases (2011-2013), a member of the Colombian Association of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, member of the Colombian Academy of Medicine and an honorary member of the Bogotana Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology. In 2012 he was invited to be part of the FAO and WHO Expert Meeting on Food-borne Parasites. In July 2013 he was nominated for the WHO expert elicitation on food-borne diseases on toxoplasmosis. He is particularly interested in developing methods to monitor and control water and food borne protozoa and in developing a vaccine for human toxoplasmosis.
These are renowned speakers from more than hundred high profiles from both academia and industry in the field of vaccines research and development, who will deliver their valuable presentations in Cartagena, Colombia in November 2016. For more details on speakers please visit
Vaccines R&D-2016 will be an unprecedented gathering of the world’s most influential and creative thought leaders from universities, industry, government laboratories and agencies, not-for-profit organization laboratories in the field of vaccines, who will share their experience and expertise on a wide range of panel topics including basic vaccinology, influenza vaccines/virus, Ebola outbreak, vaccines discovery, development & formulation, novel vaccines, vaccines for the control of parasites, new vaccine adjuvants, clinical trials, emerging infectious diseases, passive vaccines-therapeutic antibodies against infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS vaccines, immunoinformatics, cancer vaccines, HPV vaccines and therapeutic vaccination for autoimmune diseases.
This meeting will emphasize on finding a solution to a common cause and the development of a therapeutic modality which will play a crucial role in bringing about development that will change the face of vaccine industry. The highlight at the Vaccines R&D-2016 would be the collaborations with local universities and industries. The lead supporters for the Vaccines R&D-2016 are The Fundacion Instituto de Inmunologia de Colombia - FIDIC, Universidad del Rosario in Bogota, Colombia, United Scientific Group and Integra IT.
The conference provides exciting opportunities for showcasing the new technologies and new products designed by vaccine companies to the global audience at the event and also provide scope for building network for future endeavors. To register or learn more about the conference please visit
Conference Secretary, United Scientific Group - Vaccines R and D 2016 Conference,, +1 (408) 426-4833, [email protected]
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