Xulon Press presents proof for God's existence and an examination of the doctrine of salvation.
MILWAUKEE, Dec. 7, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Author Eric A. Folds answers age-old questions from atheists, agnostics, and believers in Justification By Faith Alone & Saved By Grace Alone: Proof Of God ($20.49, paperback, 9781662888380; $9.99, e-book, 9781662888397).
In order to arrive at a full assurance of salvation by grace alone, one must accept God's existence, Christ's identity and resurrection, and the paradox between justification by faith alone versus the judgement of works. Folds addresses all of these issues in the light of ancient history, astrophysics, quantum physics, and more.
"Relationships inspired the book with atheists who became believers after seeing the evidence for God. Inspiration also came from seeing how the gospel message in the ministry has turned lives around who discovered God's amazing grace and the truth about justification by faith alone," said Folds.
Eric A. Folds, PhD is the President of Christian University and Theological Seminary and has been the pastor of Christian Church of God for the past 25 years. He has authored numerous books and studied theology, quantum physics, ancient history, ministry, apologetics, theology, behavioral psychology, astronomy, and pastoral counseling. Folds also helps locally as a Pastoral Counselor and a Nouthetic Counselor.
Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world's largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 20,000 titles published to date. Justification By Faith Alone & Saved By Grace Alone is available online through xulonpress.com/bookstore, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com.
Media Contact
Eric A. Folds, Salem Author Services, 414-698-9945, [email protected]
SOURCE Xulon Press

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