While Mark Carney celebrated the expanded partnership of the CDP and the Net-Zero Data Public Utility (NZDPU) to further Net Zero transition, CLINTEL issued a scathing review of the Draghi Report on EU Competitiveness, says Friends of Science Society. The Global Warming Policy Foundation's latest report on UK reliance on interconnectors to decarbonize may leave Britain in the lurch in times of "dunkelflaute" – days of no wind and little sun.
CALGARY, AB, Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- On Sept. 24, 2024, Mark Carney, UN Climate Czar, was celebrating the partnership of the CDP and Net-Zero Data Public Utility (NZDPU) on X, as a means to further the Net Zero Transition, an unlikely goal, says Friends of Science, which would result in an impoverished and miserable future.
According to the NZDPU press release, "CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) holds the world's largest dataset of self-reported environmental data. Over 700 financial institutions holding $142 trillion in assets and over 330 large corporates use CDP to request data from listed and private companies. …CDP's platform is aligned with the ISSB climate standard (IFRS S2)."
Net Zero seems an unlikely goal, says Friends of Science Society, as the latest International Energy Agency World Energy Investment Report reveals that despite renewables investments in the order of USD $4.9 trillion between 2015 to 2024, oil, natural gas and coal, continue to supply 81% of global primary energy demand. Renewable energy supplies only 7% of global primary energy demand and most of that is met by biomass.
The UK and EU have attempted to decarbonize through a complex system of interconnectors. The Global Warming Policy Foundation issued a report on Sept. 12, 2024, about interconnectors as a growing risk to Britain's energy security. The report warns that in times of regional 'dunkelflaute' (dark lull), when winds drop off and cloudy days prevail, some regions may not be able to honor energy export deals when power is needed at home.
As part of Canada's climate commitment, nation-wide cap-and-trade legislation is being introduced, a measure that a March 2024 Deloitte report indicates will severely damage Canada's oil and gas production and GDP. Robert Lyman, retired energy economist and former federal public servant of 27 years, 10 years a diplomat, did a plain language summary report titled: "A Dire Assessment."
In 2016, a CDP "In the Pipeline" report provided skewed analysis of Canadian oil sands operations versus other competitors, damaging investment which had already been hit hard by the foreign-funded Tar Sands Campaign. Clearly the NZDPU – CDP partnership, said to be good for measuring climate compliance for investors, could also be used as a tool against corporations by law faring ENGOs, says Friends of Science.
A commentary by UK energy analyst Dr. Tammy Nemeth in the Financial Post of Sept. 17, 2024, indicates that Canadian companies are deeply concerned about impacts on competitiveness and intentions to force them to comply with European style reporting standards, such as those advocated by the ISSB. The implications are discussed in "Molecule Madness."
CLINTEL, the climate intelligence network of over 1900 scientists and scholars, published Samuel Furfari's scathing review of the Draghi Report on EU Competitiveness. Furfari was a Senior Official in the European Commission in the field of energy for 36 years. Furfari denounces the EU obsession with Net Zero. Furfari notes that: "Draghi's main concerns revolve around the lack of competitiveness resulting from high energy prices: "EU companies still face electricity prices 2 to 3 times higher than in the United States and natural gas prices 4 to 5 times higher.""
A Sept. 17, 2024, article in the Washington Post, reviewing a study by Judd et al (2024) of the past 485-million-year history of Earth's average surface temperatures during various geologic periods, shows a graph where today, the Earth appears to be much cooler than in the past. The study shows a tremendous natural fluctuation of temperatures: "At its hottest, the study suggests, the Earth's average temperature reached 96.8 degrees Fahrenheit (36 degrees Celsius) — far higher than the historic 58.96 F (14.98 C) the planet hit last year."
This suggests that Net Zero efforts and the Paris 1.5-degree Celsius targets are unnecessary and unscientific, says Friends of Science. As Furfari highlights in the Draghi report, the civilizational risk of net zero-obsessed, poor energy policy is not climate change, but the loss of human freedoms, as pointed out by Draghi himself, "We have reached the point where, if we do not act, we will have to compromise our well-being, our environment or our freedom."
Friends of Science Society is an independent group of earth, atmospheric and solar scientists, engineers, and citizens that is celebrating its 22nd year of offering climate science insights. After a thorough review of a broad spectrum of literature on climate change, Friends of Science Society has concluded that the sun is the main driver of climate change, not carbon dioxide (CO2).
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