SAN LEANDRO, Calif., Sept. 16, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- OSIsoft LLC, a leader in data intelligence for critical operations, was named Best in Class in the Platforms for IoT & AR in Europe 2019 PAC RADAR report from teknowlogy, achieving a higher score than any other company in the survey.
Teknowlogy Group conducted an in-depth analysis of leading companies specifically focused on IoT platforms for industrial applications such as GE, Siemens, PTC, Microsoft, Adamos and SAP. Companies were rated on their strategic focus, differentiating capabilities, portfolio of applications to support different industrial use cases, client references, partner ecosystem and ability to grow, among other factors.
The firm then performed a numerical ranking based on its findings on a 1 to 5 scale, with 1 being the highest score and 5 being the lowest, through its PAC RADAR methodologies. OSIsoft achieved an overall rating of 1.58 compared to an average of 2.24 for the companies in the IoT Platforms for Industrial Applications peer group. (Achieving a Best in Class score required a rating of between 1 and 1.99).
"The company (OSIsoft) has a big installed base, especially in the process industry. It has well-proven capabilities around sensor-based, real-time data management and provides connectivity to many different industrial devices," wrote Arnold Vogt, Senior Analyst and primary author of the report. "OSIsoft already has established a huge partner ecosystem, and a remarkable number of industrial applications are available on its marketplace."
A complete copy of the report can be downloaded here.
39 Years of Digital Transformation
Founded in 1980, OSIsoft has consistently focused on developing software that lets people collect, understand and use data from their critical operations to transform their world. OSIsoft's PI System serves as a data infrastructure, connecting individuals to industrial equipment, sensors and other devices so they can cut unnecessary costs, increase productivity, create new services and save lives.
OSIsoft customers have used PI System technology to predict wind turbine failures, increase output at a mining site by $120 million through supply chain optimization, reduce the power consumption of a supercomputer center at a national laboratory, deliver water services to millions of new customers in a major metropolitan city, boost the fuel efficiency of cruise ships and improve the quality and consistency of beer, among other accomplishments.
Over 1,000 leading utilities, 80% of the world's largest oil and gas companies and 65% of the industrial companies in the Fortune 500 rely on the PI System in their operations. Worldwide, over 2 billion sensor-based data streams are managed by the PI System.
"Data is at the heart of the Industrial Internet of Things and the PI System has long been the global leader in helping people get the most value out of the data from their operations," said Wolfgang Kuchen, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing at OSIsoft. "We're very gratified to see PAC RADAR underscore the importance of data governance as well as the need and commitment to build a thriving ecosystem of partners and customers to succeed."
About OSIsoft
OSIsoft is dedicated to helping people transform their world through data. For more, please visit
About teknowlogy Group and PAC RADAR
Teknowlogy Group is the leading independent European research and consulting firm in the fields
of digital transformation, software, and IT services. It brings together the expertise of three research and advisory firms, each with a strong history and local presence in the fragmented markets of Europe: Ardour Consulting Group, CXP and PAC (Pierre Audoin Consultants). We are a content-based company with strong consulting DNA. We are the preferred partner for European user companies to define IT strategy, govern teams and projects, and de-risk technology choices that drive successful business transformation. We have a second-to-none understanding of market trends and IT users' expectations. We help software vendors and IT services companies better shape, execute and promote their own strategy in coherence with market needs and in anticipation of tomorrow's expectations.
Capitalizing on more than 40 years of experience and six branches in Europe, we are active worldwide with a network of 150 experts. For more information, please visit and follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn.
The purpose of the PAC RADAR from the market research and strategic consultancy PAC (teknowlogy Group) is to provide a holistic evaluation and visual positioning of leading IT providers within a defined IT segment on a local market. Using predefined criteria, the providers' revenue volumes and development and market share are assessed and compared alongside their performance and specific competences in the relevant market segment.

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