NEW YORK, Nov. 8, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- 60.5% of Republicans believe the election was stolen, according to an online poll of 800 adults fielded by a few hours before the election was called for Biden. When asked whether "The 2020 Presidential election was stolen", 60.5% of Republicans agreed, compared to just 5% of Democrats and 29% of Independents. When asked whether "President Trump is being cheated out of winning the election", 72% of Republicans agreed, compared to 5% of Democrats and 31% of Independents. While 77.5% of Democrats believe that no credible evidence of voter fraud in the presidential election has been presented, only 24% of Republicans agree.
Despite disagreements across party lines about allegations of voter fraud related to the Presidential election, most Americans – Republicans, Democrats and Independents -- believe that our legal system will uncover any improprieties. When asked whether they "have full faith that the legal system would discover if there was fraud that impacted the election," a consistent 59 percent of Republicans, 61 percent of Democrats, and 54 percent of Independents were in agreement.
Despite the deep divide over whether the election was won fairly, CloudResearch also found that 86 percent of Republicans, 93 percent of Democrats, and 89 percent of Independents agreed that "violence is not the answer" no matter what happens in the election. More detail on the survey results can be found at
In several questions asking about unverified allegations of voter fraud, most Republicans expressed agreement while Democrats and Independents disagreed. For example, in response to the statement, "Fake votes were mysteriously created by Democrats in the middle of the election night to push totals toward Joe Biden", 65 percent of Republicans agreed, compared to only 7 percent of Democrats and 25 percent of Independents. Similarly, 66 percent of Republicans agreed that "the votes of many dead people were illegally counted for former Vice President Joe Biden" while 5 percent of Democrats and 26 percent of Independents agreed. Other questions related to poll watchers illegally being blocked from observing ballot counting, and whether people believed some counties had more votes counted than registered voters were broadly accepted by a majority of Republican respondents.
The online survey of 800 voters/U.S. Adults was fielded on Oct. 6, matching the U.S. population on gender, age, race, ethnicity, education, income and political-party affiliation. Data were collected using CloudResearch's Prime Panels, a platform that rigorously vets survey participants from an aggregate of online research panels.
Drs. Leib Litman and Jonathan Robinson led the study on behalf the NYC based research firm Dr. Litman, an associate professor of psychology at Lander College, part of New York City's Touro College, and Dr. Robinson associate professor and chair of the computer science department at Lander College, co-wrote "Conducting Online Research" (SAGE Publications, 2021).
For more information and full survey findings, contact Sean Healy, [email protected], 201-857-2520 or 201-218-2039/cell; or visit
Media Contact
Sean Healy, Healy Corporate Communications, +1 201-857-2520, [email protected]
Brad Buyce, Healy Corporate Communications, 917-334-2564, [email protected]
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