Owens Brothers Tree Service, a leading Bronx tree care provider, offers expert tree removal, trimming, pruning, and cutting services to combat the invasive spotted lanternfly. "Tree of Heaven removal and proper tree care are crucial steps in managing the spotted lanternfly threat," said Dennis Owens, owner of Owens Brothers Tree Service.
BRONX, N.Y., July 27, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Owens Brothers Tree Service, a trusted tree service provider of tree services in the Bronx and New York City area, is raising awareness about the escalating threat posed by spotted lanternflies to the region's delicate ecosystem. The invasive insect, known for its voracious appetite and destructive feeding habits, has grown throughout the city, jeopardizing the health of trees, plants, and the environment.
Right now, during the summer months, the offspring of those eggs are hatching and feeding as nymphs, causing damage to trees and plants as they mature into adulthood. These nymphs are voracious feeders, consuming sap from various plants & trees including:
- Ailanthus Tree of Heaven
- Black Walnut
- Grapes
- Maple Trees (especially Silver Maple and Red Maple)
- Willow
- River Birch
- Black Cherry
- Tulip Poplar
- Hops
- Fruit trees (like apples and peaches)
- Oak
- Pine
The spotted lanternfly progresses through four nymphal stages, starting as tiny black insects with white spots and gradually developing its signature red coloration. Throughout these stages, it is a voracious feeder, consuming sap from various plants, including the Tree of Heaven.
"The Tree of Heaven is a magnet for spotted lanternflies, providing them an ideal breeding ground and a plentiful food source. Their feeding on sap weakens trees, making them susceptible to disease and even death. Additionally, their sugary excretions promote harmful fungal growth, further compromising plant health and disrupting the natural balance." explained Dennis Owens, owner of Owens Brothers Tree Service. "By systematically removing the Ailantus Tree of Heaven and other host trees, we are not only eliminating a major attractant for the spotted lanternfly but also improving our urban forests' overall health and biodiversity."
Lanternflies cause damage in several ways:
- Sap depletion: They feed on sap, weakening plants and making them vulnerable to disease and stress. This is especially problematic for young trees and vines.
- Reduced photosynthesis: Sap loss can hinder a plant's ability to produce energy through photosynthesis, affecting growth and fruit production.
- Wilt and dieback: In severe cases, excessive feeding can cause leaves to wilt, branches to die back, and even plant death, particularly in stressed or young individuals.
- Sooty mold: Lanternflies excrete a sugary waste called honeydew, which promotes the growth of sooty mold. This black fungus covers leaves, blocking sunlight and hindering photosynthesis.
- Attracts other pests: Honeydew can also attract insects like ants and wasps, creating additional problems.
- Agriculture: Lanternflies pose a serious threat to crops, especially grapes, apples, and hops. Infestations can lead to significant yield losses and economic damage to farmers.
- Nurseries and landscapes: Lanternflies can damage ornamental plants in nurseries and landscapes, affecting the horticultural industry.
- Large swarms: Lanternflies can swarm in large numbers, covering plants, outdoor furniture, and buildings. Their presence can be a nuisance to homeowners and businesses.
Owens Brothers Tree Service is committed to combating this invasion through a comprehensive approach:
- Rapid Response and Identification: Our trained professionals can quickly identify and report spotted lanternfly infestations, facilitating timely interventions to minimize their impact.
- Egg Mass Removal and Destruction: We meticulously locate and remove egg masses, preventing the emergence of future generations and curbing the spread of the infestation.
- Targeted Tree of Heaven Removal: By strategically removing the Ailantus Tree of Heaven, we disrupt the lanternfly's life cycle and reduce their breeding opportunities. This invasive weed takes over yards and lawns. and is frequently found on Bronx and Manhattan properties.
Owens Brothers Tree Service encourages all residents and businesses to join the fight against this invasive species. We can protect our trees, plants, and the vibrant ecosystem that sustains our city by working together.
For more information on spotted lanternfly identification and control methods or to schedule a free consultation in the Bronx or Manhattan, please contact Owens Brothers Tree Service at 718-885-0914 or visit our website at https://owenstrees.com.
Owens Brothers Tree Service offers tree removal, trimming, pruning, cutting, and stump grinding services.
Dennis Owens
Owens Brothers Tree Service
Media Contact
Dennis Owens, Owens Brothers Tree Service, 1 718-885-0914, [email protected], https://owenstrees.com
SOURCE Owens Brothers Tree Service

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