Xulon Press presents a first-hand testimony of God's provision and goodness.
TURNER, Ore., Jan. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Author Cynthia L. Nichols shares personal experiences that show that God's Arm Is Not Too Short ($12.49, paperback, 9781662891601; $20.99, hard cover, 9781662892660; $5.99, e-book, 9781662891618; audiobook, 9781662891625).
Readers going through difficulty can relate to Nichols, because she certainly has not led an easy life. This collection of stories includes one of a man who came to kill her and had apparently already dug her grave. It recounts her prayer to God for safety from fire. Her faith was renewed by multiple miraculous works that assured her that her Heavenly Father was on her side.
"I have always wanted to share my story in order to heal and help others heal from whatever they may have encountered in their life. There is healing and forgiveness in knowing God is with us through everything and he does not waste our hurts," said Nichols.
Cynthia Nichols was forced to quit school in her junior year. After a divorce and emotional setbacks, she went to a community college and received her GED (General Education Diploma) and Associates Degree in Psychology. Later, she graduated from a Christian college with a Bachelor's Degree in Family Studies. Nichols was unable to start her practice in counseling due to many surgeries, but she works for the Lord whenever he sends someone her way. She enjoys dog training and dog agility, as well as sewing and quilting.
Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world's largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 20,000 titles published to date. God's Arm Is Not Too Short is available online through xulonpress.com/bookstore, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com.
Media Contact
Cynthia L. Nichols, Salem Author Services, 407-339-4217, [email protected]
SOURCE Xulon Press

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