In a recent CBC article, Adrian Monck of the World Economic Forum (WEF) claimed those who question the activities or allegiances of the WEF or its trustees operating in positions of influence are simply conspiracy theorists; Friends of Science says that's weak sauce in the face of evidence to the contrary.
CALGARY, Alberta, Sept. 8, 2022 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- In a CBC article posted Sept. 3, 2022, World Economic Forum's Adrian Monck responded to a rising wave of criticisms of the Forum and its trustees as 'conspiracy theories,' which is weak sauce when one looks at the evidence, says Friends of Science Society, in a new video rebuttal entitled "WEF Climate Misinformers."
The WEF claims to act with moral and intellectual integrity in everything they do. While the WEF gave a global stage to the frightened Greta Thunberg to make the world panic, WEF has not organized a meeting with CLINTEL as requested, a group of now more than 1200 scientists and scholars who say there is no climate emergency.
WEF has deep roots in China for its summer sessions, which is much less publicized than the ritzy Davos, Switzerland confab of the rich and famous.
Global lockdowns were modelled on China's reaction to COVID-19, even though leading bioterrorism experts, as early as 2006, advised against it, as did all Emergency Management Operations plans in Canada, according to former EMO for Alberta, Lt. Col. David Redman.
Lockdowns artificially created an environment wherein Klaus Schwab's vision of a Fourth Industrial Revolution's virtual world became almost the only possible means of commerce and connection, says Friends of Science. As outlined in a video by Friends of Science Society, the collapse of health care caused by lockdowns opens the door for 4IR – Fourth Industrial Revolution - commercial interests in AI, robotics and "deep fake" virtual doctors.
Canada is also in the process of implementing the WEF's Known Traveler Digital ID (KTDI) program as a partner, a concept that purports to create a form of digital passport along with biometric records of the individual. The WEF video pitch says travelers need seamless and effortless ways to cross borders. A Canadian partner in the program is Pearson International Airport, which was dubbed the second worst airport in the world for delays, on August 20, 2022 in this CBC report. The nightmare delays of summer travel may end up as a strong incentive for individuals to sign on to KTDI.
Canadians are concerned about WEF trustee Mark Carney's influence on the Canadian government. As reported by CBC on August 10, 2020, Mark Carney, he has been advising the Prime Minister in an unelected position.
In his banking career, Mark Carney proposed a digital currency to replace the US dollar's status as reserve currency, as reported by The Guardian, Aug. 23, 2019. Friends of Science Society issued a video on Jan 30, 2020, that expressed concerns that a digital currency could lead to a social credit system like China's.
A Dec. 2021 paper by Nirini et al. discusses how a vaxport (or Digital ID) could also be the basis for a personal carbon ration tracker, a concept long desired by anti-capitalist climate activist George Monbiot.
Prime Minister Trudeau, whose cabinet is said to be made up of more than half of WEF Young Global Leaders, has frequently indicated he wants to use 'COVID lessons' to address the alleged climate emergency. Journal Metro on Sept. 14, 2021, suggested that a War Measures Act could be invoked and that a personal carbon ration might be established.
As reported by the National Post on Sept. 17, 2020, Prime Minister Trudeau also met with Greta Thunberg just prior to the 2019 federal election and promised to plant 2 billion trees as an election commitment. As [reported by CTV News on Jan. 28, 2021, according to the Parliamentary Budget Officer, the tree planting program could balloon to double its cost, becoming a ~$6 billion burden, or $170 per Canadian citizen, or $3/tree, at a time when families are hit with inflation and carbon taxes. Forestry seedlings are normally costed at 0.30 per seedling with 0.30 additional for planting the seedling. It appears that this commitment is related to the WEF's 1-Trillion Tree ( program.
Consequently, Canadians are right to have questions about WEF influence, and to hold dissenting views on climate change.
Friends of Science Society is an independent group of earth, atmospheric and solar scientists, engineers, and citizens that is celebrating its 20th year of offering climate science insights. After a thorough review of a broad spectrum of literature on climate change, Friends of Science Society has concluded that the sun is the main driver of climate change, not carbon dioxide (CO2).
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