Xulon Press Author, John Jones' new book will answer the question of IS CHRISTIANITY A GOOD OR BAD RELIGION?
The dichotomy of Christians doing good in the name of Christianity, as well as using the religion to satisfy their pride, ego, amass wealth and justify ethnic purity and racial superiority is more evident in our culture and society today than ever before. Xulon Press author, John Benton Jones, in his bold and riveting memoir, Forget Me Not: Determined That I Would Live My Life as God Intended, reveals how he was able to understand this dichotomy and why he is able to believe, with certainty, despite experiences that may suggest the contrary, that Christianity is indeed a good religion.
CHICAGO, Jan. 30, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- John Jones's book, Forget Me Not: Determined That I Would Live My Life as God Intended ($16.49, paperback, 9781630501747; $26.49, hardcover, 9781630501754; $8.99, e-book, 9781630501761), is available for purchase.
Forget Me Not: Determined That I Would Live My Life as God Intended is an inspirational story chronicling how John Benton, using the counsel of a soft whispering voice called Forget Me Not, returned to the Christian faith after years of wandering. John Benton turned away from the Christian religion after being humiliated and put in a life threatening situation by white men in downtown Naples, Texas in 1942. Reverend Billy Graham says this voice who counseled and guided him back, Forget Me Not, is "not an impersonal force like gravity or magnetism. He is a person with all the attributes of personality. But He is not only a person. He is Divine."
Readers will find themselves caught up in unforeseen and unexpected life changing experiences, be exposed to spiritual enlightenment, and have the opportunity to witness the truthfulness of divine intervention and the graciousness of a loving and caring God. These experiences and revelations in combination enable the novel to be of value to Christians and non Christians alike. Finally, people searching for answers regarding the dichotomy of Christians doing good and evil and desirous of living a life on earth as God intended will find the novel beneficial.
John Benton Jones, an African American, was born in the east Texas town of Naples. He grew up there during the 30's, 40's and 50's and is the son of a father he did not know and a young maid servant, who he lovingly called Madea. John Benton graduated from Prairie View A & M College in 1958. An army ranger and paratrooper, he served in the U. S. Army and Illinois National Guard for a combined military career of twenty-six years, achieving the rank of Colonel. His military career includes service in Viet Nam with the elite 101st Airborne Division and a battalion commander in the Illinois Army National Guard. John Benton obtained a MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business in 1975. John Benton and his wife Rhonda have been married for forty-four years. They have five children and four grandchildren.
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Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world's largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. Forget Me Not: Determined That I Would Live My Life as God Intended is available online through xulonpress.com/bookstore, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com.
SOURCE Xulon Press
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