10th Annual Push to Walk Golf Outing to be held September 18th
Oakland, NJ (PRWEB) August 08, 2017 -- Push to Walk will host its 10th Annual Charity Golf Outing honoring, Push to Walk Founder, Cynthia Templeton at The Knoll West Country Club, Knoll & Greenbank Road, Parsippany, NJ. The outing begins with registration and lunch at 11 a.m. The price of $225 includes all greens fees, lunch, dinner and prizes. Price increases to $250 after September 3rd. Non-golfers and guests are welcome to purchase cocktail hour and dinner banquet tickets for $100 per person. The dinner will include a special silent and live auction in addition to an assortment of golfing prizes. All registrations will be handled on a first come first served basis with payment. The deadline to register is September 11, 2017. Golfers may register online by clicking on the event box at http://www.pushtowalknj.org or call/e-mail for a printed flyer.
For the past nine years, Push to Walk has attracted individuals and businesses to its events by offering an exceptional day of golf, dinner and socializing. Push to Walk appreciates its supporters and recognizes that the non-profit would not be where it is today if it were not for the loyal attendees. During this year’s outing, the organization will honor Cynthia Templeton, Push to Walk Founder and heart of the organization.
"As we celebrate our tenth anniversary, and with our recent move to Oakland, this is an exciting time for Push to Walk. We can imagine no better way of celebrating our past successes and future ambitions than by honoring Cynthia,” said David Font, Executive Director of Push to Walk.
Push to Walk relies on fundraising events to cover a portion of operating costs. “Our annual golf outing is our largest and most valuable event, raising funds to help cover operating and equipment expenses and to create scholarship opportunities for clients in need. Whether you join us for golf, dinner, become a sponsor, or contribute to our silent auction, your support is most appreciated,” explains Dave.
Online registration and donation opportunities are available on the Push to Walk website: http://www.pushtowalknj.org. For more information, please contact Stephanie Lajam at (201) 644-7567 or slajam(at)pushtowalknj(dot)org.
About Push to Walk
Founded in 2007, Push to Walk is an organization that provides individualized workouts and resources to people with spinal cord injuries and other forms of paralysis to optimize current quality of life and to prepare for future medical advancements. It is the only program of its kind in the New York metropolitan area. Push to Walk’s rigorous one-on-one workout approach challenges clients to reach their personal goals and achieve maximum independence, leading to greater success and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives. A 501(C)3 non-profit, Push to Walk is located in Oakland, New Jersey. Visit http://www.pushtowalknj.org to learn more.
Stephanie Lajam, Push to Walk, http://www.pushtowalknj.org, +1 201-644-7567, [email protected]
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