17 Year Old Girl Captured Some of the Best Eclipse Photos of 2017
Mendota Heights, MN (PRWEB) August 25, 2017 -- 17-year-old girl captured some of the best eclipse photos of 2017
Olivia Crutchfield of Mendota Heights, Minnesota, has captured some of the best eclipse photos of 2017. Knowing that the eclipse was the first to cross the entire continental United States in almost 100 years, her father, Charles Crutchfield III, MD, arranged with to travel to Rexburg, Idaho for a family viewing.
“I wanted to travel to the spot that had the best chance of clear skies. Most reports pointed to Idaho! My family was on pins and needles because both Saturday and Sunday the weather forecast was for cloudy skies on Monday the 21st of August in Rexburg, the day of the eclipse. When we woke up the morning of the eclipse, I told my son Charles IV to look out the window and much to the family’s delight he proclaimed “not a cloud in the sky.”
Olivia, quite an accomplished photographer at age 17 with an Instagram following of over 35,000 photography fans, started researching and planning the minute she found out the family was going to see the eclipse. Unfortunately, the decision to go was a last minute decision (with Affinity Limousine Luxury Tours, Utah), so she only had 3 days to prepare, but prepare she did. She arranged remote timers, special filters, and a perfect tripod.
As a result, she ended up capturing some of the best eclipse photographs of 2017! She even constructed a composite photograph of the eclipse phases that astounds everyone who sees it, and they proclaim it to be both their favorite photograph of the eclipse and the very best photo of the eclipse that they have seen!
“Viewing the total eclipse of the sun was beyond amazing, and the only word that even comes even close to describing it is “Lovely. My daughter’s photos of the 2017 eclipse are nothing short of spectacular. I am very proud of her. I hope others enjoy her photographs of the eclipse as much as our family does.” beams Dr. Crutchfield.
About Olivia
Olivia Samira Crutchfield is a 17-year-old senior high school student. She was a member of the Young Business professionals of America (for website design) National Championship. She traveled with a National Geographic student photographic group to Australia for 3 ½ weeks in the summer of 2016. She has had her photographic work selected for permanent display for the public transportation street project ("Summer Nature Collage")near Seattle, WA. She has won a blue ribbon for her photographic work at the Minnesota State Fair and has an accomplished and stunning series of photographs form her two visits to Cuba (http://www.oliviacrutchfield.com/travel/) in addition to placing nationally in Rocky Mountain photographic competition. She is also a photographer and co-editor-in chief of her high school’s newspaper. Olivia is a photo-journalist for the Minneapolis-St. Paul Spokesman Recorder newspaper, the oldest African American newspaper in Minnesota. She has developed quite a following for her photographic work both on Instagram and on her website http://www.OliviaCrutchfield.com. Her photography has been featured in regional magazines such as ‘Artful Living’ (https://issuu.com/artful-livingmag/docs/artfulliving_winter16_online)and ‘Minneapolis-St. Paul’ magazines. Oliva is currently visiting colleges in preparation of beginning her undergraduate career in the fall of 2018.
Kelly Knutson, Crutchfield Dermatology, https://www.crutchfielddermatology.com/, +1 6512093628, [email protected]
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