2018 Disparity Study and Minority Enterprise Growth and Needs Study Informational Meeting Announcement
(PRWEB) September 14, 2017 -- Griffin & Strong, P.C. ("GSPC") is under contract with the Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County (“Metro Nashville”) to conduct the 2018 Disparity Study and Minority Enterprise Growth & Needs Study (“MEGAN Study”). The Disparity Study will review Metro Nashville’s procurement practices and analyze participation in awards by Minority and Women owned Business Enterprises (“MWBE”). The MEGAN Study will provide a growth and needs assessment of minority firms within Davidson County to better assist them to do business in and with Metro Nashville.
Community members are invited to participate in an informational meeting about these studies to learn about the methodologies used and ways to be fully engaged in the study process. The informational meeting will be held:
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Howard Office Building: Fulton Campus
Sonny West Conference Room
700 2nd Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37210
You are encouraged to attend to hear important information and provide commentary regarding these impactful studies. This community meeting will be facilitated by Griffin & Strong, P.C. and not Metro Nashville government. Please direct all questions to GSPC Deputy Project Manager, Sterling Johnson, at MetroNashvilleStudy(at)gspclaw.com or sterling(at)gspclaw.com.
Please note all comments during the meeting may be recorded and potentially used in the studies.
Sterling Johnson, Griffin & Strong, P.C., http://gspclaw.com, +1 6783642962 Ext: 104, [email protected]
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