3 Week Diet: Review Examining Josh Bezoni and Joel Marion’s Diet Program Released
Houston, TX (PRWEB) January 21, 2014 -- The 3 Week Diet that claims eating a little known fat on a regular basis can actually force the body into burning fat at a much faster rate when this fat comes from grass fed beef known as CLA has caught the attention of HealthAvenger.com’s Stan Stevenson, prompting an investigative review.
“The 3 Week Diet is a 21-day eating plan that includes some powerful eating tips and calorie juggling that literally tricks your body into burning fat at a tremendous weight. This is provided in an e-book format and a coaching audio that explains exactly what you need to do on a day-by-day basis,” reports Stevenson. “It neither requires you to starve yourself nor asks you to cut out all of your favorite foods, so there’s no worry that you’re going to give up half way through because your cravings get too much. This nutritionist and doctor approved diet plan is completely safe and healthy to undertake and is also suitable for vegetarians and those who need a gluten free diet.”
The 3 Week Diet review shows the book and audio that are specifically created to avoid rebound weight gain include information about calorie juggling, why dieting doesn't work, how one can eat fat to burn fat, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, sprouts, etc.) that help fight naturally occurring estrogens in the body that cause people to store fat instead of burn it, etc. The 3 Week Diet is different, because it actually trains the metabolism of the body to reset – in other words, begins to work how it should once again.
(Click here to get more on the 3 Week Diet)
“If you have weight to lose or want to lose it and keep it off, then the 3 Week Diet has been written for you. It doesn't not how much weight you have to get rid of – in fact, the more the better as it repairs the damaged metabolism. The 3 Week Diet doesn't just work for the time you’re on it, because it actually provides your body with a ‘factory reset,’ which means that you honestly can use this as the pivotal point in which to change your nutrition, eating plan, and weight – for life,” says Stevenson. “Male or female, young or old, this safe, doctor, and nutritionist approved eating plan will set you on track to lose those stubborn pounds and change your eating habits, so that those lost pounds stay that way off for the rest of your life.”
“Josh Bezoni and Joel Marion are certainly leaders in their field and The 3 Week Diet really is worth spending your hard earned cash on. Even if you only have the last 10 lbs left to lose, then it’ll do the trick as well, and faster than any other diet program. You won’t be hungry on The 3 Week Diet, because one of the major parts of this is that you need to eat all day long! It takes minimum time and effort to prepare the food you need to eat. This weight loss program that promised drastic results over a short period of time not only works, but it is also safe, healthy, and honestly does set you up for a whole new and healthy eating regime even after you've finished.”
Those wishing to purchase The 3 Week Diet, or for more information, click here.
To access comprehensive The 3 Week Diet review, visit http://healthavenger.com/3-week-diet-review.
To help promote the program, Joel and Josh are giving away a free report entitled, "The 4 Best Foods To Eat Before Bed", which can be accessed, by clicking here.
Mark Harris, HealthAvenger.com, http://healthavenger.com/3-week-diet-review, 879-978-9863, [email protected]
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