Amenism, Inc. Publishes Kemetan Calendar and Zodiac, the Seminal Book in Which, According to Tarík Karenga, the Ancient Egyptian Calendar and Zodiac Is Restored At Last!
UNION CITY, Calif. (PRWEB) September 19, 2022 -- According to professional speaker, inventor, and author Tarík Karenga, running throughout certain ancient Egyptian religious literature is a tri-narrative defined as “three separate accounts of connected events that reveal one underlying truth viewed from three different perspectives,” which in the ancient Egyptian Mystery System that is known to have worked interdependently with the ancient Egyptian religion of Amenism corresponds and is an allusion to important astronomical events that were used in the creation of the Egyptian calendar and zodiac that in turn facilitated the harmonization of human activity with the seasons of the year and also with the movement of prominent star constellations (Karenga, 2022, p. 3).
As an example, Tarík Karenga states that one of the annual Holy Days observed by the ancient Egyptians called for the celebration of the emergence of God from nothing, which was symbolized as the Sun emerging from the primordial ocean and corresponds and is an allusion to the five-day period of the summer solstice that happens concurrently with the passing of the Sun from the constellation of Aquarius, which is associated with water, into the constellation symbolized by a he-goat fish leaping from water onto dry land; hence, Capricorn (Karenga, 2022; Karenga, in press).
Tarík Karenga continues by saying that while it is known that in ancient Egypt, or Kemet by its original name, an astronomical calendar was already in use as early as 4236 B.C.E., the exact configuration of such a calendar as well as evidence of the early use of a zodiac had heretofore remained elusive until Amenism, Inc. published the first edition of Kemetan Calendar and Zodiac, Tarík Karenga’s seminal book on the restoration of the calendar and zodiac of ancient Kemet that now holds a unique place in combined astronomical, astrological, and theological literature (Karenga, 2022). In the words of an ancient Kemetan aphorism, “Live in Truth!” (p. 39).
For more information:
Karenga, Tarík. Kemetan Calendar and Zodiac. First Edition. Union City: Amenism, Inc., 2022.
Karenga, Tarík. Review of the Kemetan Mystery System. First Edition. Union City: Amenism, Inc., In Press.
Karenga, Tarík. The Pharaohs’ 5 Laws of Success. First Edition. Union City: Amenism, Inc., 2022.
Tarik Karenga, Amenism, Inc.,, +1 (510) 858-1009, [email protected]
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