Author Leads the Charge for a Better Future with “Making Sense of the Chaos”
NAPLES, Fla. (PRWEB) February 14, 2019 -- Amid ever-rising social tensions, mass shootings, acts of terrorism and a bitterly divisive political climate, one author is prepared to help society realize how to undo the chaos they inadvertently created for themselves.
In “Making Sense of the Chaos: A Call to Action,” by Bobbie Stevens, PhD, readers are offered a guidebook for learning about how and why society became what it is, how society can correct a “misconceived” belief about how to live life, as well as a call to action for mindfulness and change.
“It seems like we hear about another mass shooting every day,” Stevens said. “Domestic violence is increasing; we are seeing a rise in addictions of all kinds; we are experiencing global warming; we see intolerance and corruption in our businesses and government. We don’t want to end up where we seem to be heading.”
Stevens’ work is about empowering people to create change, in their lives and in their world. She is the cofounder and CEO of Unlimited Futures, LLC, an organization that provides programs for the development of human potential. She also founded The American Institute for Creativity, Health and Productivity.
“Fear, stress, and a totally incorrect belief are the underlying culprits in creating the world we see today,” Stevens said. “A person living in fear and severe stress is no longer able to see possibilities and can feel helpless and hopeless. This book is about providing hope, answers and a plan for creating the change we want and need.”
“Making Sense of the Chaos: A Call to Action”
By Bobbie Stevens, PhD
ISBN: 9781504382205 (softcover); 9781504382212 (hardcover); 9781504382328 (e-book);
Available at Balboa Press and Amazon
About the author
Bobbie Stevens, PhD, has doctorates in both psychology and business management. She and her late husband, Dr. Dean Portinga, cofounded Unlimited Futures, LLC, an organization that has been providing programs for the development of human potential for over 30 years. She is the creator of Unlimited Futures Programs, as well as a futurist, speaker, coach and facilitator. Stevens’ other published works include: “Unlimited Futures: How to Understand the Life You Have and Create the Life You Want”, “Understanding Stress: How to Relieve Stress”, “Boost Your Energy and Discover a Whole New Life”, and “Unlimited Futures Discovered.” For more about Stevens and her work, visit:
Kalin Thomas, LAVIDGE, 4806487540, [email protected]
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