Everything you need to know about fat-freezing CoolSculpting
Pulse Light Clinic give insight into the most common questions about the latest fat-freezing technology
LONDON, May 10, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Many of us struggle with shifting stubborn fat, even with a good diet and healthy exercise regime certain fat cells just don't seem to budge. Losing belly fat, back fat or even a double chin can at times feel out of reach. There are now alternative ways to remove unwanted fat cells with a tailored non-surgical procedure with the highest level trained CoolSculpting practitioners at Pulse Light Clinic. CoolSculpting is a great alternative to liposuction, with a non-surgical approach with no downtime needed. This treatment does not require any anaesthetic, time off work, no garment post-treatment or weekly massages like liposuction.
CoolSculpting has no risk of infection as it is a non-invasive fat reduction procedure. Unlike other fat freezing/fat removal techniques, there is no need for diet and exercise as the fat cell walls are permanently destroyed.
CoolSculpting allows the fat to be frozen away through Cryolipolysis and gets disposed of out of our body's natural digestive process (through your pee). CoolSculpting uses this revolutionary discovery in a safe, effective and FDA approved way. Pulse Light Clinic explain the treatment procedure further.
"How does the treatment work?
The CoolSculpting hand-piece is placed over the area of the unwanted fat area to be treated and left from 35 minutes. During this time, client's can rest, read, check emails or even nap! While relaxing the fat is being frozen, causing the fat cells to die and the body's natural processes then flush out these dead cells, removing them from the area and eventually the entire body.
Is Fat Freezing | CoolSculpting Permanent?
Yes, CoolSculpting is a permanent solution to get rid of stubborn fat cells. The fat cells are crystalised and frozen through CoolSculpting treatment, they are destroyed naturally and gone forever! Any remaining fat cells can still enlarge over time if weight is put on in the future and can therefore affect results, but typically if you regain the same weight and BMI (Body Mass Index) as treated your results will be visible.
What results can I expect from CoolSculpting?
An average of about 25% fat reduction is seen per treatment, and more than one treatment is recommended to see optimum results.
The final results are fully visible within 6-12 weeks, as the body uses this time to flush away the dead fat cells.
These results are permanent as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Am I suitable for CoolSculpting?
The ideal candidate for fat reduction with CoolSculpting is a client within a stone of their ideal or normal body weight. The client must have enough pinch able fat in order to fit into the applicator. We cater to a variety of sizes using different sizes of applicators from petite to large depending on the size of the fat and the area of the body. Most clients are suitable for CoolSculpting, however, obese, breastfeeding or pregnant clients are not suitable as well as clients suffering from severe Raynaud's disease (if you suffer this hands and feet is more likely you are still suitable for this treatment).
Which areas of the body are CoolSculpting appropriate for?
The CoolSculpting procedure can treat visible fat bulges in the Chin, Arms, Abdominal, Flanks, Waist, Bra Fat, Auxiliary Puffs, Inner Thighs, Outer Thigh, Banana rolls, Back Fat, Man Boobs, Breast Fat Tissue."
Pulse Light Clinic http://www.pulselightclinic.co.uk has three clinics in London, based around the City and Central London. We have specialised exclusively in laser and light technology since 2001. Pulse Light Clinic has since expanded in constantly researching and testing new advanced lasers on the markets to treat all skin problems and enhancements with in-house Doctors and Nutritionist.
SOURCE Pulse Light Clinic

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