Fourth Annual Interfaith Community Langar in the Park Celebrates on World Peace Day
Largest annual interfaith gathering in Denver expands as more communities join opportunity to connect. The 550 year-old Sikh tradition forms foundation for cross-cultural shared meal and celebration.
DENVER, Sept. 18, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Interfaith communities will serve a Langar (free Indian meal) to more than 5,000 members of our community in Lincoln Park, immediately west of the State Capitol, in Denver, Colorado from 11am to 2pm on Saturday, September 21, 2019. This year's annual event takes place during World Peace Day.
This event is in the Sikh tradition of Langar (pronounced lunger) - where every day, for hundreds of years, a free meal has been served to anyone who is hungry without distinction to religion, class, gender, or ethnicity. Our Colorado Sikh community will lead the meal.
Dilpreet Jammu, President of the Colorado Sikhs, explains, "The Langar has been a part of the Sikh faith since its inception 550 years ago. For over 500 years, the Sikh community has fed all who have arrived, without judgement. Langar is served without caste, creed, color, religious, political, social and gender affiliation. On any given day, worldwide Sikhs donate over 6 million free meals to the community. On this anniversary, we are humbled to be able to share a meal with our fellow human beings."
Joining this year as sponsors of the event are King Soopers and University of Denver, Center for Judaic Studies.
"What the Interfaith Alliance of Colorado loves about the Langar in the Park is that it invites us to think about how we all need to be fed by breaking down the economic systems, cultural barriers, and resource limitations that create divisions and hunger in our communities. As a Christian clergywoman, I have often heard, preached, and lived Jesus' call to "feed the hungry" which is a noble pursuit. But the Interfaith Langar and the Sikh theology that undergirds it, takes it a step further for me. It is not about the food; it is about the meal. The Langar cultivates an environment for connection, equality, relationship, conversation, and unity through the simplest and most natural of human acts: a shared meal." - Rev. Tamara Boynton, Director of Strategic Engagement at The Interfaith Alliance of Colorado
"Participating in the fourth annual Langar in the Park provides the congregants of Mile Hi Church with an opportunity to live our shared values of equality, oneness, and human dignity for all. Additionally, it is a wonderful opportunity to be of direct service by breaking down the barriers between those who serve and those who are being served: we all get to take a moment to break bread together and share in conversation as equals." - Rev. Simon Shadowlight, Interfaith Ministry, Mile Hi Church
"The magic of Langar is undeniable and I am excited to continue to share this tradition each year in Colorado," said Marjorie Helms Karish, publisher of interfaith programs for children at "Please join us as we come together to break bread and break boundaries in the name of unity, oneness & equality. Families are welcome!"
Interested in participating in community? Visit for ways to participate, serve and donate.
This event is open to all.
SOURCE Langar in the Park

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