“14 Tips To Avoid Divorce,” A New Article On Vkool.Com, Teaches People How To Prevent Divorce And Save Their Marriage - V-kool
Seattle, Wa (PRWEB) December 21, 2013 -- The new “14 tips to avoid divorce” article created by Van Tran on the site Vkool.com teaches people how to prevent divorce and heat up their marriage effectively. This article is actually ideal for those people who want to have a sustainable marriage easily. At the beginning of the article, people will learn some major causes of broken marriages, such as money, alcohol, sexual problems, jealousy, irresponsibility, and immaturity. Van Tran, the author of this article points out that people should improve their listening skills in order to avoid quarrels fast. “Listening is an important skill, both for a counselor and a spouse. However, a broken marriage needs leadership. Marriages change not because of what people say or how well they listen; marriages change because of what people do,” says Harriet Lerner, PhD, celebrated author of The Dance of Anger. After that, the article encourages people to express their feelings so their spouse will understand their point of view. People should never disrespect their partner because that can create further animosity and resentment. Next, the writing recommends people that they should not learn to forgive and forget in order to restore the balance of their relationship quickly.
In addition, the article takes men and women step-by-step through an interesting process of discovering what to do, what to say, and what to avoid in order to save their marriage. Moreover, in the article, people will explore how to change the momentum of a relationship and how to deal with problems involving money. In other words, readers also get to know how to start a conversation in a way that shows their partner they are open to listening and talking about their marriage problems. After this article was launched, a lot of people all over the world can learn how to avoid divorce effortlessly and strengthen their marriage with a few simple steps.
Mercy Janes from the site Vkool.com says: “This '14 tips to avoid divorce' article is really informative and useful for people at all ages. In the report, people will learn cutting-edge advice to have a happy relationship and effective methods to promote communication skills easily. The techniques this post introduces are simple-to-implement for most people regardless of their age, their gender, and their relationship status. Therefore, I personally believe that these tips will be useful for everyone.”
If people want to get more detailed information from the entire “14 tips to avoid divorce” article, they should visit the website: http://vkool.com/14-tips-on-how-to-prevent-divorce/.
About the author: Van Tran is the enthusiastic editor of the website Vkool.com. This article provides people with strategies to strengthen a relationship and ways to improve communication skills. People could send their feedback to Van Tran on any digital products via email.
Tony Nguyen, V-kool, http://vkool.com/, +84 916961839, [email protected]
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