‘‘1’: The Ultimate Foundation of Nature’ in Severe Physics of CODATA
New York, NY (PRWEB) December 15, 2015 -- LONG BRANCH, N.J. – For almost half a century, Orest Bedrij has been decoding the underlying foundation of nature, which he says “unites God, nature, as well as us.” With “‘1’: The Ultimate Foundation of Nature” (published by Xlibris), he shares what he has deciphered and corroborated using CODATA (Committee on Data for Science and Technology) high-precision fundamental physical constants. CODATA was established in 1969, when Bedrij embarked on science and technology code breaking, as an interdisciplinary committee of the International Council for Science.
The distinguished likes of Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Archibald Wheeler, and others have pursued the fabled and equally elusive theory of everything that would unify and verify with hard measurements the various fields of physics and beyond to reveal the singular principle behind the universe’s distinct, paradoxical phenomena. Bedrij, a man who stands on the shoulders of giants, followed his predecessors by going down the Absolute Infinity rabbit hole. His is a leap of self-reliance, as he unifies the proven and rational science of physics with his own direct experience, all to expand the horizons of critical thinking and the human encounter.
By sharing what he knows of ‘1’, by conveying where individually we do have to go, he offers profound insights on expanding the frontiers of endless possibilities not only physics, God, and humanity, but also other facets of life, the universe and everything, connecting proven concepts beyond big bang, quantum mechanics with human identity. Bedrij describes ‘1’ as “a game changer for science, the planet, and each one of us: in inner peace, prosperity, freedom, education, business, science, governments, and success.”
“We know what we know and we see what we see because we are who we are.” Bedrij says, explaining that each reader will take away what they need to understand at that time in their life.
“‘1’: The Ultimate Foundation of Nature”
By Orest Bedrij
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 336 pages | ISBN 9781503590519
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 336 pages | ISBN 9781503590526
E-Book | 336 pages | ISBN 9781503590502
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Orest Bedrij is a multidisciplinary scientist. For the past 47 years he has been integrating the unity of nature via physics, mathematics, and wisdom traditions. At 29 years old, he served as IBM’s technical director at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology, responsible for the development of the Space Flight Operations Facility computer complex that controlled the first soft landing on the moon.
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