#CAP40thedition Ices 600 CAP Stories of Intrigue, Adventure
(PRWEB) November 18, 2013 -- Quick trivia question: Where can you meet high-ranking officials like presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush or George H. W. Bush or Hillary Clinton; use llamas, mountain lions, deer, birds, turtles and dogs as resources; or claim a cartoon strip as your own? The answer: Civil Air Patrol! All of these stories and more are chronicled in the organization’s flagship publication, Civil Air Patrol Volunteer, which is about to publish its 40th edition covering of the adventures of 61,000 volunteers nationwide.
“The Volunteer represents an important archive of CAP’s missions and activities,” said CAP National Commander Maj. Gen. Chuck Carr. “It shows through pictures and stories who we are and what we do, and for our 61,000 members, these stories are a tremendous source of pride.”
The magazine’s inaugural edition, published in January 2006, featured in-depth coverage of CAP’s disaster relief efforts during Hurricane Katrina. Published bimonthly for four years and quarterly since 2010, the Volunteer has traced the organization’s significant accomplishments over the years through some 600 feature stories. Along the way, the Volunteer has been recognized for its quality with six industry awards, most recently the 2013 Award of Excellence presented by the Southern Public Relations Federation and the Public Relations Council of Alabama.The publication’s archives, housed online at http://www.capvolunteernow.com, contain stories of service, sacrifice and inspiration that intrigue readers with their sense of adventure, patriotism and humanitarian twists. Since Katrina, the magazine has covered:
• Search and rescue missions involving downed pilots and lost individuals totaling an average of 80 lives saved each year, with success driven by sophisticated tools and expertise in cell phone forensics, radar tracking, full-motion video, and Garmin glass cockpit technology.
• Aerial and ground team reconnaissance following the nation’s tornadoes, wildfires, flooding, blizzards, mudslides, tsunamis and even manmade disasters, like the Gulf oil spill.
• Air defense exercises helping prepare fighter units across the country for deployment overseas and providing intercept training for special events, like the Super Bowl and NASCAR races.
• A plethora of community services projects (such as food drives, nursing home visits, servicemen care packages and humanitarian missions abroad), led by participation in hundreds of Wreaths Across America ceremonies annually.
• Individual and youth resourcefulness in performance and achievement, including cadets who become pilots, engineers, politicians and astronauts.
In conjunction with the 40th edition, http://www.capvolunteernow.com will host a magazine trivia contest Nov. 25-29 and Dec. 2-6. Daily winners will be eligible to win free registration for CAP’s 2014 national conference in Las Vegas on Aug. 14-16. The winner’s name will be announced on Dec. 8. Follow the fun via twitter at #CAP40thedition.
Civil Air Patrol, the official auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force, is a nonprofit organization with 61,000 members nationwide, operating a fleet of 550 aircraft. CAP, in its Air Force auxiliary role, performs 90 percent of continental U.S. inland search and rescue missions as tasked by the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center and is credited by the AFRCC with saving an average of 80 lives annually. Its unpaid professionals also perform homeland security, disaster relief and drug interdiction missions at the request of federal, state and local agencies. The members play a leading role in aerospace education and serve as mentors to more than 26,000 young people currently participating in the CAP cadet programs. CAP received the World Peace Prize in 2011 and has been performing missions for America for 72 years. CAP also participates in Wreaths Across America, an initiative to remember, honor and teach about the sacrifices of U.S. military veterans. Visit http://www.gocivilairpatrol.com or http://www.capvolunteernow.com for more information.
Julie Debardelaben, Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters, +1 (877) 227-9142 Ext: 250, [email protected]
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