#GenEnergy Conference Misleads Canadians on Energy – Oil Price Shock Expected in 2020 Due to Lack of Investment in Oil says Friends of Science
Calgary, Alberta, Canada (PRWEB) October 19, 2017 -- In an op-ed of Oct. 17, 2017, Financial Post commentator Terence Corcoran blasted Canada’s recent Generation Energy Forum for featuring futurist author Jeremy Rifkin, calling him a “preposterous prophet of anti-oil and anti-capitalism,” says Friends of Science.
Meantime, Friends of Science have posted two new blog pieces by Ottawa energy policy consultant, Robert Lyman, "What They did Not Hear at the Generation Energy Forum" and "Clean Energy Canada and #GenEnergy are Just Kidding You," detailing global forecasts showing fossil fuel use will rise unabated world-wide.
Rifkin is author of the book “The Zero Margin Cost Society” in which he envisions how the Internet of Things (IoT) can, in his view, be easily transferred to electrical power grids that are like ‘the Commons’ but Friends of Science say tampering with the electrical power grid has caused tremendous costs and reliability issues in many countries world-wide, like Germany, as reported by Finadvice in “Lessons Learned” of 2014. LINK: acadeuro.b.uib.no/files/2014/11/PoserH-etal-Finadvice_lessons_learned_from_germany.pdf
A popular notion in Canada is to simply hook up east and west hydro facilities with wind for a renewable grid – however Friends of Science had power generation experts review the idea and found it to be technically unfeasible. Even if it were possible, the scheme would cost hundreds of billions of dollars and put the country at risk of national blackouts. LINK: blog.friendsofscience.org/2015/09/29/power-generation-information-on-difficulties-of-instituting-the-proposed-wind-hydro-national-grid-network-in-acting-on-climate-change/
Most of these ‘renewable’ ideas are supposed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, but Ontario’s Professional Engineers found that the more wind and solar you add to the power grid, the more carbon dioxide emissions would rise. LINK: kingstonfieldnaturalists.org/wind/2015_Presentation_Elec_Dilem.pdf
While divestment from fossil fuels is a popular campaign on many university campuses, a recent debate in Belgium on RTBF between Damien Ernst and Samuel Furfari, both professors in energy-related fields, shows that there will likely be an oil price shock by 2020 due to the current low investment in oil.
Friends of Science point to the Oct. 5, 2017 cancellation of Trans Canada Pipeline’s $15 Billion Energy East pipeline project, reported on their website, as evidence that Canada will be falling behind in the world, mostly for lack of development of its natural resources.
Trans Canada had faced fierce opposition from Quebec politicians and environmental groups who claimed they did not want the risk of Alberta’s oil by pipeline. They claimed increased greenhouse gases and climate change effects should be evaluated by the National Energy Board. Robert Lyman illustrates their hypocrisy in a blog post revealing Quebec already refines Alberta oil that arrives via pipeline. LINK: blog.friendsofscience.org/2017/10/17/the-grand-quebec-hypocrisy-on-energy-east/
Despite the Canadian government’s commitment to carry out the Paris COP-21 accord, Friends of Science says the targets are unattainable and will be destructive to the economy with no significant reduction in emissions and little benefit to the environment – companies will simply move elsewhere and take jobs with them.
Friends of Science holds the view that solar cycles and related ocean fluctuations are mostly responsible for climate change, than human industrial emissions of carbon dioxide.
Friends of Science Society is an independent group of earth, atmospheric and solar scientists, engineers, and citizens, celebrating its 15th year of offering climate science insights. After a thorough review of a broad spectrum of literature on climate change, Friends of Science Society has concluded that the sun is the main driver of climate change, not carbon dioxide (CO2).
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