"Save America Gathering" Calls Local Churches to Join and Participate in Remainder of "555 Days of Prayer to Save America," and Act as Churches on Mission to the World
Martinez, California (PRWEB) July 20, 2013 -- As the nation smolders in the ashes of our unfulfilled "Great Commission," "Save America Gathering" http://www.saveamericagathering.com founder, Robert Berry, called for local churches and Messianic synagogues, everywhere, to join the ongoing prayer initiative, "555 Days of Prayer to Save America," saying "Prayer is required!"
The "Save America Gathering" and "One Church // One Voice" sponsored prayer event, which is themed after the 555 foot height of the soaring Washington Monument, has reached day 137, with the first 100-day-long prayer segment, a cry of confession and to ask for mercy and forgiveness of our sins, along with prayers that we be forgiving and merciful, reaching day 82.
The events planning staff say the next 100-day-long segment is crucial to the prayer event, as it requires fervent prayers for the church, the Body of Christ. "On August 7, 2013, the next hundred-day segment will begin. This segment will consist of a 100-day prayer for mercy and forgiveness of the Church's sins and shortcomings. This segment will last until November 14, 2013. "Save America Gathering's" planners are inviting all churches to add their respective congregations' prayers to those of the many Christians praying daily, now. Use the power of congregational prayer to lift up God's Church!" said Robert Berry.
Berry continued, speaking of the need for local churches to be on global mission. "The church in Africa is sending missionaries to the church in the United States of America. Consider that. Christians have a duty to God, above, to be on mission both next door and around the world. Everyone on the planet lives, especially now, in a world which is rapidly shrinking. The more bonds The Church builds, the more Christians and the Church cooperate, internationally, the better The Church will be at achieving God's purpose in an ever more fallen and God rejecting nation and world."
The "555 Days of Prayer to Save America" prayer event will end on September 11, 2014, with a still being planned "Great Wave Offering" to the Lord, God. "Save America Gathering" will partner with U.S. Christian Flag http://www.uschristianflag.com. For additional information, please view the appropriate attachments. "Save America Gathering" is also partnering with the planners of these notable events. Make sure they are on your calendar!
Chiapas, Mexico A Line In the Sand May 29-June 6, 2014
Cry for Life Israel Oct 18-19 2013
Liberia A Line In the Sand April 2014
California USA A Line In the Sand Nov 2014
Israel A Line In the Sand March 2015
The Global Call School Of the Prophets Nov 11-16 2013
Please note that these scheduled encounters can be viewed live at: http://www.TheCrossTV.com, or, at: http://www.GlobalNettv.us
Join these Christian organizations in praying for America, The Church, and the world.
Save America Admin. / Robert Berry, Save America Gathering, http://www.saveamericagathering.com, 925 285 0833 0, [email protected]
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