"Stressaholic" Arms Readers to Win the War on Stress
Hoboken, NJ (PRWEB) January 21, 2014 -- Chronic multitasking and ever-increasing demands on a person’s time and energy have caused a neurochemically-based dependence on sources of stress and stimulation to provide fuel for chaotic lifestyles. While this may boost performance in the short term, studies consistently show that when stress hormones are elevated over time, they create the worst form of internal wear and tear: decreasing productivity, wasting time, and even killing brain cells. As a result, modern society is tired and wired, suffering from physical exhaustion while mentally amped up and unable to get adequate rest.
In her new book, "Stressaholic: 5 Steps to Transform Your Relationship with Stress," Dr. Heidi Hanna, author of the "New York Times" Bestseller, "The Sharp Solution," reveals the impact of chronic stress on the body, mind, and spirit and delineates how a simple shift in mindset can dramatically improve readers’ relationship with stress.
“Do you constantly feel as if there are not enough hours in the day? Are you constantly connected to a technologic communication leash? If you answered yes, you are not alone,” says Dr. Hanna. “The vast majority of workers say they would not want their boss's job, while more than a third of workers say their jobs are harming their physical or emotional health and nearly half say job pressures are interfering with their personal relationships. Medical experts estimate that 75-90% of doctor visits are stress related!”
Stress in and of itself is not bad, and is actually utilized for growth when balanced with adequate recovery. The solution to stress addiction is to build in and prioritize optimal rest and relaxation on a holistic level—body, mind, and spirit—in order to consistently recharge and create a more resilient operating system.
With easy to implement tips and real world examples of people and organizations who have turned stress into success, Dr. Hanna’s Stressaholic Recovery Process restores system-wide resilience against stress in five simple steps:
• Rest to balance brain chemistry with strategic relaxation and recovery
• Repair to calm and nourish cells with energy-enhancing nutrients
• Rebuild to strengthen mental and physical fitness to optimize energy
• Rethink to optimize perspective to see stress as a challenge instead of a threat
• Redesign to develop "BEATs" that provide structure for ongoing energy management
Dr. Hanna poses the question, “Why is it so hard to slow down and pay attention to what's most important to us? Stress can easily turn into an addiction, especially in our 24/7, constantly connected society. Like any other stimulant to the brain, the impact of stress causes a release of chemicals that provide a surge of energy, which is initially helpful. The problem is, the human system is not designed to be in a chronic state of stress. What once was our greatest ally – our stress response – has become one of our greatest enemies. We can win the war on stress without limiting our progress by creating healthy balance in our lives, and 'Stressaholic' provides guidance for your journey – from exhaustion to enlightenment!”
About the author
Heidi Hanna, PhD, has trained thousands of individuals on practical ways to incorporate nutrition, fitness, and positive psychology strategies to improve productivity and performance. Dr. Hanna is CEO and founder of SYNERGY, a coaching and consulting company that specializes in customized health and wellness solutions for individuals and organizations. As an experienced speaker, Dr. Hanna has been featured at many national and global conferences, including the Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit and the ESPN Women's Leadership Summit.
Melissa Torra, Wiley, http://www.wiley.com, +1 201-748-6834, [email protected]
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