Advanced Patient Advocacy Continues Community Outreach As Part of Federal Navigator Grant
(PRWEB) April 17, 2015 -- Advanced Patient Advocacy, LLC (APA) announced today that, from the beginning of the recent healthcare open enrollment period through the current Tax Season Special Enrollment Period (SEP), certified Navigators have participated in numerous outreach and enrollment events throughout the community, and additional events are scheduled before the April 30th end of the SEP.
In each of its service areas, APA’s Navigators have participated in informational and enrollment events at libraries, hospitals, community centers, churches, convention centers, college campuses, VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) sites, and elsewhere. Although the open enrollment period ended on February 15th, Navigators are still available to assist any individuals who qualify for an SEP, either due to their own changing life circumstances or under the March 15th – April 30th tax season SEP. Additionally, using an educational curriculum modeled on the federal government’s “Coverage to Care” initiative, APA is partnering with local government entities, community organizations, small businesses, and others to inform the public about how the health insurance system works and how to use their coverage.
APA was selected by CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) to provide free assistance through trained Navigators to the citizens of Virginia, West Virginia, Missouri, and Tennessee. Patient Navigators provide education and guidance for uninsured and underinsured citizens to assist with selecting the private healthcare plan that best meets their personal needs. The Navigators also are responsible for conducting public education activities, such as attending health fairs and other local events to raise awareness of the healthcare Marketplace and coverage opportunities. APA is uniquely qualified to assist individuals with healthcare enrollment due to its extensive experience working with hospitals and medical centers to connect patients to any coverage option that may be available to assist them with the cost of medical care.
Advanced Patient Advocacy, LLC, is a privately-owned company that provides a comprehensive suite of enrollment services to assist consumers in navigating and connecting to payer solutions, which include Medicaid, Workers Compensation, Motor Vehicle, Disability, General Liability, and State/Federal Healthcare Marketplaces.
For more information about any of these events or the Navigator program, visit or email Amy Wight at awight(at)apallc(dot)com. You can also find us on Facebook.
Rodney E. Napier, MBA, Advanced Patient Advocacy,, +1 (614) 580-0955, [email protected]
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