Advantech Wireless Releases New Wide Band Front End Frequency Down Converter to Enable HTS Satellites Access
Montreal, Canada (PRWEB) June 16, 2017 -- Advantech Wireless, a global leader in satellite broadband communications solutions, announced today the release of its new Wide Band Front End Frequency Down Converter designed to enable High Throughput Satellites access.
The Advantech Wireless ARWF-LX is a rack mounted 950 – 2150 MHz RX Wide Band Front End Frequency Down Converter that accepts an input in super extended L-Band and provides an output in a fixed L-Band (1100 MHz). The new unit can be used for SCPC, DAMA and TDMA as well as full transponder HDTV and traditional analog TV. Spectral purity, stability, and group delay characteristics fully meet or exceed the requirements of all domestic, international, and regional commercial satellite networks.
“This innovative Satellite Down Converter is designed to overcome a potential shortcoming in existing teleports to allow them to accommodate newer satellites’ (including HTS) Wide Receive Band. The RX band covered by these new and powerful satellites is too large to be handled by the legacy demodulators which typically have a maximum range of 950-1700 MHz.,” said Cristi Damian, VP Business Development at Advantech Wireless.
“Most of the already deployed SCPC or TDMA networks are not able to access the full wide band satellite RX band, which can be up to 2.5 GHz wide,” added Mr. Damian. “This puts severe limitations on bandwidth access, and on traffic increase. Today we need expensive additional demodulators to cover the frequency gaps at the Hub, but there is no solution for the remote terminals. This new wide band down converter can receive any carrier within 950-2150 MHz and down convert it to 1100 MHz, which can be received by legacy demodulators. It will allow service continuity in existing networks, and access to more bandwidth with minimal upgrade cost.”
About Advantech Wireless
Advantech Wireless supports the critical need for High Throughput Satellite communications in a rapidly expanding digital environment. Our proven, low-cost, and highly reliable system solutions are meeting the ever-increasing need for high-bandwidth communications essential to military and government solutions, as well as cellular network providers, broadcasters, robust corporate networks, and security. We integrate award-winning research and development engineering into our designs. The result: custom solutions with lowest overall capital and operating costs, together with an unparalleled commitment to lead the industry in innovation, design and reliability.
Rosario Toxqui, Advantech Wireless,, +1 5144200045 Ext: 3152, [email protected]
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