Alcovit Scores Points Among Customers for Hangover Prevention Ability
Boca Raton, Florida (PRWEB) April 25, 2017 -- Biotake GmbH, a German company that creates a unique, effervescent lime-flavored detox beverage called Alcovit, recently issued information to customers about the differences between a hangover “cure” and a hangover “prevention”, the latter of which is the category that its product falls into.
Biotake GmbH developed Alcovit over the approximately 25 years, and the result was an effective means of preventing hangovers, a product that helps the body to efficiently detox some of the nasty toxins that result after drinking. The mix is nutritionally dense, going to work immediately to support the and re-energize the body. It is important for customers to understand the difference between a cure and a prevention.
“There really is no such thing as a hangover cure, once you have a hangover the damage has already happened to the body,” said Mr. Mainon, holder of the exclusive right of Alcovit for the United States of America. “Many companies want to find that holy grail and supply the world with something that truly is a hangover cure. Science is always looking for a cure but it would seem everyone from Fast food restaurants, coffee and cafes, to vitamin supplements, to makers of painkillers are making claims to cure the dreaded hangover, with no real science or claims."
We think that prevention is better than cure, we choose to eat good food and exercise, reduce stress and hope that your lifestyle helps to prevent illness and disease.
With Alcovit it is a similar choice or decision, to enjoy a healthy lifestyle with alcohol, we choose to reduce the nasty toxins and support the body with ingredients and science that makes sense at a time that is right, individually that could be before, during or after a few glasses of your favorite wine, beer, scotch or cocktails.
Because alcohol is a toxin, the body immediately begins to remove it when it enters the body. Hangovers are the result of the body working overtime to remove large amounts of the toxin. Symptoms include dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, anxiety and gastrointestinal problems.
One of the functions of Alcovit is its ability to reduce the production of “acetaldehyde”, the main cause of hangover, while also restoring some of the depleted vitamins in the body and cut down on the amount of stress experienced by drinking alcohol. People who drink Alcovit as the last drink of the night can reduce the production of the byproducts that are made when the body metabolizes alcohol. Very simply, the less alcohol arriving at the liver, means the less acetaldehyde that is produced. The less time alcohol is in the body, the less overall stress and the better you will feel tomorrow.
“Alcovit is not a cure, but we think prevention is always better and definitely worth trying, it is completely safe and scientifically backed prevention method that has helped a lot of people enjoy the next day after a night of over indulgence,” said Mr. Mainon. “We are pleased to be able to offer it to customers all over the United States and beyond.”
For more information about Alcovit, visit
Tess Audrey, InHealth Media,, +1 5615440719, [email protected]
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