AllBoat Technology's Top Selling Sailing App Launches Version 2.3, Announces Android Version
Park City, Utah (PRWEB) July 25, 2013 -- Since releasing the SailingApp Version 1.0 in May of 2013 for iPhone and iPad, the creators have been standing double watches and covered a lot of sea miles in the last 2 months! Version 2.3 has added more features for sailors and boaters around the world! The Android Version of the SailingApp is currently in development and should be released very soon to Google Play!
The SailingApp is a new innovative web-based application. This allows for real time updates of topics, content, photos, and links which we push out to the user base regularly. When new and updated content is available, the user is notified via email and they are able to download all the information by "syncing" the App. The user simply drags down the topics page to "sync" the SailingApp, and any new or additional content is added automatically. This interactive feature allows us to meet the user requests for additional topics and content. In this way the SailingApp never becomes static or outdated and can be kept current without the need for factory updates that can take months. Once the SailingApp is "synced" all of the content of the entire app is available to the user with or without WiFi or cellular service.
In addition to tools, calculators and reference topics, there are a variety of interactive features all boaters are enjoying. At home on a desktop or on the water from a mobile device, users can create and access personal notes and reminders to aid them in their outings whether they boat on an inland waterway or are planning an extended ocean cruise. Additionally, sailors and boaters will find a public forum feature that allows them to pose questions, engage in discussions and share photos with the entire user base. Now, there is also a gallery which presents some of the finest nautical photography there is, as well as a permanent place for photos shared by users.
Much like sailing itself, one can never learn everything there is to know about the subject. As well, the conditions are always changing, there are new designs, materials, products, and information emerging as fast as one can imagine. Providing access to tools and the latest information, as well as listening and learning from others, is the foundation on which the SailingApp was created and developed.
The SailingApp was created by Sailors for Sailors! Where will it take you…
With the release of the new 2.3 version, here's what is waiting for boaters to discover:
- Innovative and Easy to Use New Technology
- Web Based Accessibility
- Real Time Updates
- New Content Added Constantly
- Archived Content Available Always
- Alphabetically Organized Topics
- Over 200 Sub-Topics
- Quick Keyword Search
- Useful Checklists
- In-App Browser
- Useful & Informative Links
- Large Tool Set In One App
- Visual Accessibility Adjustments
- Easy To Find Notes & Reminders
- "Log Book" Social sailing Forum
- Cloud Backup & Recovery
- Interactive User Features
- Glossary Of Sailing Terms
- Gallery Of Professional Sailing Photography
- Gallery Photos Fit To Screen Landscape & Portrait
- Member Website Access On Non Mobile Devices
- Add Notes & Reminders From Website to Device
- Alerts and Email Notification
Download The SailingApp from the App Store
Jim Swenerton, AllBoat Technology,, 435-640-6589, [email protected]
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