ALOHA Mind Math Announces National Vocabulary Bee for Elementary School Children to be Held 2014
Edison, NJ (PRWEB) December 20, 2013 -- ALOHA Mind Math unveiled new 2014 initiatives at their third quarter franchise meeting. One new student program being instituted is a language arts competition for elementary school children, a national vocabulary bee.
“We wanted to introduce something that would offer a fun competitive environment where both kids and their families would be able to enjoy. We tested the program this year and received excellent feedback from many parents and kids alike. We are very excited to roll out Vocab Bee, a vocabulary-based competition,” said Mani Manickavelu, ALOHA CEO and President.
The national vocabulary bee will be held mid-year 2014 at all of ALOHA Mind Math’s learning centers.
“Americans need spelling bees and vocabulary tests," according to John McWhorter, Columbia University associate professor of English and comparative literature and author of What Language Is. “It’s (spelling and vocabulary tests) getting back in touch with loving our native language, something ordinary in most cultures on earth.”
The national vocabulary competition coordinates with ALOHA Mind Math's Mission to teach and advance children’s crucial reading and language skills, which they will employ throughout their education and later into their careers.
Parents who want to give their children a good foundational base or a broader skill set, or give their high-achieving children an opportunity to excel will find ALOHA Mind Math’s after school enrichment reading programs and math programs valuable.
About ALOHA Mind Math
The unique academic enrichment programs at ALOHA Mind Math Centers help children 5 years-old through 12 years-old be the best they can be to get ahead in all academic areas. This interactive learning method promotes the development and engagement on both sides of the brain, designed for frustrated learners or high-achieving gifted students. Through instructor-led, small group tutoring sessions, children improve their focus, develop vital learning skills, as well as study and life skills, and advance their self confidence to excel in reading, math, language arts, and science, to ultimately persevere in the face of adversity to go after their dreams. Discover the genius in your child.
ALOHA Mind Math was founded in 1993 and introduced in the United States in 2006. ALOHA Mind Math continues to experience growth beyond their current presence in 18 states, 23 countries, and 4,200 locations worldwide. To learn more about ALOHA Mind Math reading program, math program, and language arts programs, or to schedule an orientation at a center near you visit ALOHA Mind Math.
Mary Beth, ALOHA Mind Math,, +1 (847) 426-5964, [email protected]
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