American Tinnitus Association Names John Coverstone, AuD, Editor of Tinnitus Today Magazine
Portland, Oregon (PRWEB) January 09, 2017 -- The American Tinnitus Association (ATA) has named John Coverstone, AuD, Board Certified in Audiology®, as the new editor of Tinnitus Today magazine, which highlights the latest information on tinnitus treatments and updates on current research to improve patients’ lives. The ATA is the nation’s foremost organization committed to improving the lives of people with tinnitus and hyperacusis by providing hope for a quieter future through education, advocacy, and research toward a cure.
Tinnitus is commonly referred to as "ringing in the ears." According to data analyzed from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control, of the 50 million in the United States who have experienced tinnitus, approximately 16 million suffer from chronic tinnitus and have sought medical attention for their condition. Tinnitus is the leading service-connected disability for U.S. veterans.
Dr. Coverstone is a published author, researcher, and columnist, having published numerous articles on professional topics in audiology in Audiology Today (magazine of the American Academy of Audiology), Feedback (former magazine of the Academy of Dispensing Audiologists), and ADVANCE for Speech-Language Pathologists & Audiologists (magazine of the Advance Healthcare Network for Speech & Hearing). He also lectures on a variety of clinical and business topics in healthcare, and co-hosts the AudiologyTalk podcast, which brings current news, information, and education to audiologists.
Dr. Coverstone has treated patients with tinnitus for more than a decade in his private practice, and he also suffers from it himself. “When treating tinnitus patients who have severe cases, it is important to also help them deal with the psychological impact of it on their lives,” he shared. “Many patients suffer quite a bit, so we work toward restoring their quality of life, because for some patients, tinnitus can be very debilitating. Personally, mine fluctuates in both loudness and pitch.”
“Through Tinnitus Today, we hope to keep people apprised of new treatments and remedies, while ensuring it is a meaningful and useful publication for all of our members,” Dr. Coverstone continued.
According to Scott C. Mitchell, JD, and chair of ATA’s Board of Directors, “Tinnitus is a medical condition that just gets more complicated the more you study it. It certainly involves audiology and neurology and can have a major impact on patients' emotional outlook and ability to interact with family and at work,” he explained. “Science is discovering more facets of this condition every month, with hundreds of researchers trying to understand the causes and mechanisms of ‘ringing in the ears.’
“The ATA magazine Tinnitus Today is the patient's primary credible source about this fast-changing landscape in research and treatment options,” Mitchell continued. “Dr. Coverstone's professional background will be an enormous asset in his new role of editor of this magazine. His wide-ranging expertise in audiology, his experience in directly treating tinnitus patients, and his network of personal contacts in this field will contribute to making the magazine an even greater resource for patients and their families.”
Going forward, the ATA is launching a podcast that allows them to deliver news and information more quickly, as well as to extend the content of the magazine to allow for downloading and listening at a person’s leisure.
Dr. Coverstone is President of Sentient Healthcare, Inc., and an audiologist in private practice at Audiology Ear Care in New Brighton, MN. He is the immediate past chair of the American Board of Audiology’s board of governors. He has both undergraduate and graduate degrees in speech communication, speech & hearing science, and speech & hearing science: audiology from Portland State University in Portland, OR, and earned his Doctorate of Audiology degree from Salus University in Elkins Park, PA.
About the American Tinnitus Association
The American Tinnitus Association (ATA), headquartered in Portland, OR, has been a publicly-supported 501(c)3 organization since 1971, with its Scientific Advisory Committee representing the top researchers in the field. The ATA fulfills its mission by: 1) funding targeted research projects; 2) providing education, hope and support for the tinnitus community; 3) advocating for effective public policies focused on advancing science towards cures for tinnitus and hyperacusis; and 4) collaborating with others to promote awareness, encourage prevention, and to ultimately silence tinnitus.
Margaret Brown, American Tinnitus Association,, +1 (703) 898-9443, [email protected]
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