ANDRA Selects Lascom PLM to Manage Data in Cigéo Project
(PRWEB) July 08, 2015 -- Andra is in charge of finding and implementing safe and long term solutions for the management of all types of radioactive waste in France. Andra’s goal is to protect current and future generations from the hazards induced by nuclear waste. Independent of radioactive waste producers, Andra is under the supervision of France's ministers for energy, research and environment.
Each year, radioactive waste in France is generated primarily at the country's nuclear power plants and by its defense, industrial, healthcare and research sectors. Operational solutions already exist for a large majority of waste. However, the most highly radioactive and long-lived waste — some of which can remain hazardous for more than 100,000 years — cannot be disposed of in surface or near-surface facilities. Cigéo is designed to dispose of this type of waste at 500 meters deep.
If licensed, Cigéo will consist of an underground facility in which packages of radioactive waste will be stored. Throughout the facility's life, waste packages will be received, inspected and prepared in a surface facility before being transferred to the underground facility. A second surface zone will house the logistics operations for the work to be carried out underground and shafts to the underground facility.
Andra is going to implement Lascom PLM to manage data and their configuration in Cigéo all along the project lifecycle. The solution will assist Andra during design, construction, operation, maintenance and closure phases. This project has many outstanding aspects; it lasts for a very long time - more than 100 years-, deals with an underground nuclear facility and involves many different companies. Data volume in such scheme is tremendous.
As the contracting authority for Cigéo project, Andra has to use, manage, share, trace and store technical and confidential data.
Lascom PLM solution set up at Andra will perform as “Plant Lifecycle Management” software and assist teams in documentation and project management, systems engineering, configuration and change management, allowing:
• Technical and Regulatory data exchange and control
• Costs, dead-lines and performances control
• Collaboration enhancement between internal and external participants
About Lascom
Lascom’s North American office has been located in San Diego, California, for more than 10 years. Lascom works with local and global companies to help them to better manage their product specifications and project lifecycle. Lascom’s global strategy is succeeding making it a serious participant in the PLM sector.
Using Lascom’s PLM, customers’ productivity has increased by optimizing their documents and configuration management processes. PLM also considerably helps businesses to better manage projects through reporting tools and score carding modules. Lascom has already met the needs of over 250 customers worldwide.
Jil CROQUET, Lascom Solutions,, +1 858-452-1300 Ext: 606, [email protected]
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