Andy Mendonsa Releases ‘Spiritual Widowhood’
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (PRWEB) August 23, 2017 -- Andy Mendonsa believes that the invisibility of widows and their plight being one of the greatest indictments against the church today prevents her from being the “pure and undefiled bride” that God desires her to be. Such belief led him to write “Spiritual Widowhood” (published by WestBow Press), a book that determines the level of deception that has entered the church through its own leadership based on a widow, bride, and marriage theological perspective of the Bible.
The book invites readers to wrestle with what God’s Word says about the widow and the orphan, their relationship to them and to him, and how worship is to be shaped by their understanding of their own condition of widowhood. Here, Mendonsa challenges them to wrestle with what the Lord meant by “religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
“Deception has become so great in the church today that it has been willing to unashamedly yoke itself with political and civil authorities in order to gain power and control as the means for bringing the kingdom of God to bear, rather than following the model Jesus lived out for us according to the Gospel accounts of his ministry,” Mendonsa says.
“Although this book does not specifically address the political climate in America and much of the church’s alignment with it, it is one of the greatest indications of how deceived so much of its leadership has become, both locally and nationally,” Mendonsa adds.
“Spiritual Widowhood”
By Andy Mendonsa
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 174 pages | ISBN 9781512768459
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 174 pages | ISBN 9781512768442
E-Book | 174 pages | ISBN 9781512768435
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Andy Mendonsa is the servant director for Widows Harvest Ministries, a faith-based nonprofit ministry he helped found in 1987 in Chattanooga. He holds an associate degree from Oxford College of Emory University (1976) and a bachelor’s degree in journalism from University of Georgia (1978). Presently, he and his wife Gloria live in the historic and urban neighborhood of St. Elmo with their two dogs, Fergus, a Welsh corgi, and Thumper, a Basset hound. Readers can follow Mendonsa at and
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