Ann Coulter-NY Times best selling author and famed conservative pundit on Armed American Radio Daily Defense with Mark Walters Thursday 6-11-2015
(PRWEB) June 10, 2015 -- "Ann Coulter is one of America's greatest conservative spokespersons and authors. Her NY Times "best seller" record speaks for itself. Her newest book, Adios America highlights the dangers illegal immigration presents to the nation. I intend to ask her about that but applying a twist I have yet to see her discuss, relating that danger to our right to bear arms. The discussion will, no doubt, be explosive. For those who might not be able to hear the national daytime interview, I will be re-running it again on the huge Sunday broadcast on 6-I4-2015. I wouldn't miss this for the world!"
Join Ann Coulter on Armed American Radio's Daily Defense this Thursday at 4p ET, 1p PT with a rebroadcast Sunday 6-14-2015 on Armed American Radio during the 8-11p ET, 5-8p PT national broadcast. To listen live from anywhere in America, please visit and simply click the "Listen Live" buttons at the top of the page!
About the USCCA:
The U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) is the first and largest, member-owned association designed to educate, train, and insure responsibly armed Americans. USCCA members receive criminal and civil defense insurance protection through the Self-Defense SHIELD and have access to a wealth of industry information including expert advice, product information, and the latest news centered on the concealed carry lifestyle. The USCCA also publishes Concealed Carry Magazine, hosts the nationally syndicated radio program, Armed American Radio, and offers resources for firearms training through the USCCA Education and Training program.
Katie Strupp, Delta Defense, LLC, +1 (262) 806-0084, [email protected]
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