Arcadia Louvered Roofs Sees Growth in Shade Seekers and Provides Tips to Aid in Skin Cancer Prevention
Dahlonega, GA (PRWEB) June 08, 2017 -- Lifestyle choices including shade structures, protective clothing and application of sunscreen all play a role in skin cancer prevention. “We are finding significant growth in customers contacting us for an Arcadia louvered roof in order to reduce sun exposure,” explained Scott Selzer, CEO and President of Arcadia, 38th on Inc. 5000's fastest growing manufacturer list. “Our shade system is fully adjustable and can be closed with the touch of a smart phone app. We grew almost 60% in 2016 and we attribute this to interest in outdoor living that is also healthy and shade-centric,” explained Selzer. Made of thick gauge extruded aluminum, the Arcadia roof provides protection from the strong overhead sun when the louvers are fully closed.
The American Academy of Dermatology recommends American's “Seek Shade” especially during peak rays from 10 am – 2 pm. Experts reinforce that a combination of sunscreen, protective clothing, hats and shade structures is the best way to limit harmful sun exposure. The angle of the sun is another factor to keep in mind when outdoors.
According to the Skin Cancer Foundation's President, Deborah S. Sarnoff, MD, “Skin cancer is mainly a behavioral disease and it is strongly linked to sun exposure—about 90 percent of non-melanoma skin cancers are associated with ultraviolet rays from the sun.”
Arcadia Louvered Roofs is proud to join the Skin Cancer Foundation, the American Association of Dermatologists and the American Cancer Society in promoting skin cancer prevention and sun safety awareness during May which is “Skin Cancer Awareness Month.” Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer and when it comes to healthy lifestyle choices, many people fail to take proper precautions to avoid the harmful effects of sun. Arcadia is committed to sharing skin cancer prevention content with it's customers and social media initiatives.
You can’t avoid the sun completely but knowing the risks and protecting yourself when in the sun is critical. Following are a few ideas for sun protection:
- Avoid direct exposure to the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. That’s when UV rays are the most intense.
- Choose shade: Incorporate shade-structures like Arcadia louvered roofs and covered pergolas into your environment.
- Block UV rays with wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses.
- Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen (protects against UVA and UVB radiation) that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher to protect exposed skin.
- Do not use tanning beds or sun lamps.
Being safe in the sun is important for both adults and children, and it’s never too late to reduce your chances of developing skin cancer.
The American Academy of Dermatology's #SpotSkinCancer social media campaign encourages individuals to download a “statistic sign” and share it with others for awareness. For example 9,500 a day = the number of people diagnosed with skin cancer each day.
More information:
• American Cancer Society
• American Academy of Dermatology: Check Yourself. Check Your Partner.
About Arcadia:
Arcadia Louvered Roofs, Inc. was founded in 2011 by CEO and Chief Product Architect, Scott Selzer. As a former middle school teacher with a part-time remodeling company, Scott specialized in building decks, pergolas, basements and other home improvements projects. Inspired by his students to follow his dream to become a full-time entrepreneur, Scott started Adjustable Patio Covers, a company specializing in outdoor spaces.
With a large demand for patio covers that would allow shelter from inclement weather while receiving maximum airflow, Scott began distributing “louvered roofs,” an adjustable cover originating from Australia. As one of the first companies to bring this product to the east coast, popularity grew around the louvered roofs and Scott quickly found ways to re-design, innovate and patent a higher quality version of the product to provide to his local customer base.
The Arcadia “Pivot” System is engineered and designed to withstand all types of weather conditions from heavy snow to high winds. This one-of-a-kind luxury louvered roof has been one of the fastest growing privately held companies in the United States. With manufacturing facilities in Georgia and California with future expansions for new locations throughout the US and Canada, Arcadia's goal is to better serve their continuously growing network and provide the highest quality in products and customer service. In addition to being a smart louvered roof manufacturer, Arcadia also specializes in technology and design with a focus on architectural innovation. 'Smart roofs' continue to evolve and provide an adjustable atmosphere for outdoor living needs.
Scott Selzer, Arcadia Roofs,, +1 770-855-5144, [email protected]
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