Article on Cuba Gooding’s Revelation Regarding Tom Cruise Sheds Lights on Public’s Continued Fascination with Celebrity Procedures, notes Dr. J
Beverly Hills, Caliifornia (PRWEB) February 24, 2016 -- According to a February 23 article on HealthAim, an interview in which actor Cuba Gooding, Jr. recounts an anecdote which appears to support the possibility that his one-time “Jerry Maguire” costar, Tom Cruise, may have had a facial rejuvenation procedure; the account appears to be further fueling ongoing speculation about the remarkably youthful 53 year-old superstar. Beverly Hills-based plastic surgeon Payam Jarrah-Nejad, M.D., F.I.C.S., F.A.C.S., known to his patients and colleagues as Dr. J, says that all of the public discussion of whether or not celebrities have had particular plastic surgery procedures might make interesting reading for entertainment fans, but it obscures the reality that procedures are ultimately a personal decision made by a patient with the help of a physician. He also notes that the focus on celebrity plastic surgery might make some people wrongly assume plastic surgery is only an option for the rich and famous.
Dr. J adds that the press coverage given to the real or imagined procedures obtained by celebrities, currently ranging from Mr. Cruise and “X-Files” star Gillian Anderson to Kylie Kardashian and others, is too often mean-spirited speculation about something which is essentially a private manner – though the physical appearance of a performer clearly does impact his or her career. The broader point, adds Dr. J, is that the cultural focus on the alleged procedures of the famous may cause some people to assume that plastic surgeries are obtained only by people in the celebrity spotlight. The truth is, Dr. J notes, that his patients include people from all walks of life. Schoolteachers, construction workers, officer workers, and accountants get procedures alongside everyone from lawyers and physicians to aspiring performers and others, all of whom find that an improvement in their appearance may help them to do their best in both their personal and professional lives, adds Dr. J.
Dr. J adds that, while some patients might be unduly discouraged from obtaining a procedure simply because they assume that it’s only for a particular type of person, the press focus on celebrity procedures might also create the impression that only the rich and famous can afford procedures. The reality, Dr. J adds, is that prospective patients often overestimate the cost of procedures, and money is rarely the determining factor in whether or not an individual decides to go ahead with a plastic surgery.
Readers who want to find out if plastic surgery can help them improve their own lives can call Dr. J Plastic Surgery at 310-993-3800 or visit the doctor’s web site at They may also wish to visit Dr. J on Instagram and Facebook.
Bob Westal, Cyberset Corp, +1 (818) 883-7277 Ext: 121, [email protected]
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