Article on Obesity and Fertility Highlights Life-saving Benefits of Bariatric Surgery, Notes Dr. Feiz & Associates
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) February 24, 2016 -- According to an article published February 19th on the Khaleej Times, researchers have discovered a new link between fertility and obesity, which indicates that severely obese women are much more likely to suffer from infertility than women with a normal body mass index (BMI). Additionally, the author of the article explains that, while this group of women is also at an increased risk of gestational diabetes during pregnancy, successful bariatric surgery can effectively mitigate these health concerns. Commenting on this article, the Los Angeles based bariatric surgery clinic, Dr. Feiz & Associates, notes that this is added evidence of weight loss surgery’s many potentially life-saving benefits, and that women who undergo a successful bariatric procedure prior to pregnancy are less likely to suffer from gestational diabetes, and more likely to conceive. The clinic notes that severe obesity has a harmful effect on a woman’s reproductive health, which includes an increased risk of miscarriage, reduced success with fertility treatments, and a higher chance of acquiring polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which is an endocrine disorder affecting women of childbearing age.
Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S., notes that increased weight in obese women often presses down on the reproductive organs, causing menstrual irregularities, in addition to the aforementioned complications. The good news, Dr. Feiz notes, is that weight loss surgery has been found to resolve or improve these conditions which may hinder regular ovulation and pregnancy and he has seen improvements that may facilitate childbearing among a number of his female patients. What’s more, recent research following women who had undergone weight loss surgery showed remarkable improvement in these conditions, and the women studied had normal menstrual cycles within three months following surgery. These improvements are just some of many of the health benefits that slimming down to a healthier weight can offer, the doctor notes. Other patients report a reduction in the severity of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cholesterol issues. Occasionally, the clinic notes, with a successful bariatric procedure, the harmful effects of these conditions can often be reversed.
Dr. Feiz notes that his clinic offers bariatric surgery procedures which are scientifically proven to be effective, long term weight loss solutions. He explains that, while no single bariatric procedure is perfectly suited for every patient, numerous options, including the gastric sleeve and the Lap Band, are available to support patients in their weight loss goals. Numerous factors, such as age, medical history, diet history, and weight loss goals are taken into account when selecting the most appropriate surgery for each candidate.
For more information about the success that Dr. Feiz and his patients have attained, readers may call the bariatric surgery clinic at (310) 855-8058 or browse the clinic’s website at
Matthew Newton, Cyberset Corp, +1 (818) 883-7277 Ext: 121, [email protected]
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