Ashley Black of FasciAnatomy Makes a Breakthrough in Migraine Therapy by Addressing Possible Root Causes that Have Eluded Traditional Medicine
Los Angeles, California (PRWEB) November 25, 2014 -- According to the American Migraine Foundation, a “Migraine is characterized by over excitability of specific areas of the brain.” Despite the vast amount of research and funding behind the treatment of migraines, the AMF is still clearly unsure of what the root cause of a migraine is, explaining that “we do not clearly understand how a migraine brain is different or what happens in the brain to start a migraine." Across the board what is understood, at this point, is that the symptoms of a migraine include: “Pain on one side or both sides of your head, pain that has a pulsating, throbbing quality, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, lightheadedness, sometimes followed by fainting.” Undeniably these symptoms contribute to migraines, but what eludes medical professionals is what is the underlying source of these symptoms? Ashley Black, who is a fascia expert, says that “all of the symptoms appear to be consistent with a phenomenon I call fascia recoil and the effects of recoil of certain nerves and vaso-restriction throughout the body."
The fascia literally connects us through every structure of the body, from head to toe, hand-to-hand, inside to out. Structural fascia, the membrane that is visible inside chicken skin, runs in long strips throughout the human body. Black says, “Understanding the structural lines is crucial in the treatment of migraines.” Structural fascia is connected to every structure of the body through a spider web like configuration that reaches every nook and cranny including penetrating our scalp and brain. Fascia recoil directly causes many of the symptoms associated with migraines through the gripping and grabbing of the fascia on the nerves, blood vessels, and soft tissues. Black says, “It is widely accepted that fascia can pinch nerves in other places in the body or restrict blood flow, but we just haven’t made the jump yet in modern medicine that the fascia can do the same inside the brain. Fascia recoil feels like a boa constrictor wrapped around your brain and can clamp so tight that someone can faint or vomit as a result."
The average monthly costs for migraine sufferers is $145, while those who don’t have migraines pay almost half at an average of $89 per month. Even more shocking is that American employers lose more than $13 billion each year as a result of 113 million lost work days due to migraines. “At present, NIH [National Institute of Health] funding for migraine research is $15 million." Black points out that “fascia treatments are not a money maker for most of institutions that fund migraine research."
Black says, “One of our biggest health problems is underfunded in the first place, and virtually no dollars are being devoted to fascia, which could ultimately cure many migraines and save millions and possibly billions of dollars.” Black’s clinics, which cater primarily to professional athletes and orthopedics, are often presented with fascial issues of all types, including migraines. Black says “because as Fasciologists, we came at it from a totally different vantage point having success with migraines where other treatments have failed, often times in one session."
Black explains that missing link is that we are just beginning to understand that the fascia system is controlled by the nervous system. In a paper presented at the Fascia Congress, the research shows that the nervous system causes the nerve signal to cause fascia recoil. It concludes that the nervous system “...leads stimuli that normally do not cause pain become painful, and those which normally cause pain become more painful.” Black agrees and says this is true for migraines, because “someone with tight fascia anywhere in the body is enough to trigger the vicious cycle of fascia choking the nerves in the head, causing the symptoms of migraines to present”.
While there are many independent Fasciologist and alternative care providers treating the fascia to end migraines, Black wants to educate consumers and bypass providers altogether. Black says, “It always bothered me that I couldn’t get my knowledge and treatments into the hands of enough sufferers in the clinical setting, so I decided to invent tools for self treating to empower individuals." Black’s most recent tool, the Fascia Blaster, breaks through fascial adhesions and allows the nervous system to calm down. Black says, “By releasing fascia, one can immediately feel the difference." The Fascia Blaster can be used on the entire body for loosening fascia, and Black hopes that more research will be conducted on the link between the fascia and the nervous system, and that the Fascia Blaster will help millions of desperate sufferers and save millions of dollars."
Ashley Black, Ashley Black LLC,, +1 (832) 606-6818, [email protected]
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