ASL-R15 Sets New Standards for Asset Performance Management and Preventive Maintenance Optimization.
Albuquerque, NM (PRWEB) July 29, 2015 -- Asset Performance Technologies, Inc. (APT) announced today that it has released Asset Strategy Library Release 15.
ASL-R15 includes 31 new equipment types:
• 43,100 Degradation Mechanisms (FMEA)
• 3,800 PM Tasks and Intervals (PM Templates)
• 132,000 As-Found Reportable Conditions (Failure Codes)
“544 equipment types * 8 known operating conditions = 4,352 RCM analyses by equipment experts. Why start from scratch when optimizing your maintenance strategies?” - Mark S Benak, CEO
ASL-R15 was generated by industry subject matter experts (SMEs), who represent over 22,000 man-years of experience across multiple plants and industries. The ASL degradation mechanisms (FMEA) and PM templates (strategies) are valid for the complete range of known operating conditions. With PM task effectiveness mapped to each degradation mechanism, the ASL sets a new standard for APM and PMO in asset-intensive industries. The ASL is also available in the Meridium APM and Bentley Assetwise APM products.
Contact APT today for a 30-day no-risk trial.
About Asset Performance Technologies
Asset Performance Technologies, Inc. (APT) produces the revolutionary Preventance maintenance solution that combines unique optimization software with the APT Asset Strategy Library (ASL), the world’s most comprehensive library of asset strategies for industrial equipment, to rapidly optimize any PM program. Preventance and the ASL set the standard for PM Optimization (PMO) by dynamically adjusting to changing operating conditions, plant requirements, and market economics.
Mark S. Benak, Asset Performance Technologies, Inc.,, +1 (505) 903-5768 Ext: 1003, [email protected]
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